80. Yandere!All x Normie Reader I

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Various!Yandere x nomie reader that wants to be a detective, so they try to investigate the school and the students but gets caught by the Nevermore students.


Walking through the forest has never been pleasant during the night, during the day its calm and tranquil, but now it just screams that danger is lurking nearby and with the mysterious disappearances and killings that have been happening in the woods lately it only made the paranoia worse. At any normal circumstances you would not be walking around during this time alone, however because of the recent events you decided to go out and pay nevermore a nighttime visit. A place for outcast to learn and live away from the normies like yourself, you decided to go and investigate, to try and see if a Nevermore student was behind it. You started with what looked like an artist's shed, it was messy and there were paintings everywhere. There were paintings of a weird looking monster that gave you the creeps, and thus you decided to leave, as you doubted that that place could give you more answers than the monster's looks. You tried to be extra silent as you got close to the actual school, not knowing what would happen if you were to get caught by a student or a faculty member, so it would be wiser to go slow and stealthy rather than fast and noticeable. It was exciting in the way that you were doing that you were not supposed to, it was giving you a major adrenaline rush when you suddenly ducked behind a pillar because you heard something move before multiple footsteps came from behind it and started to walk towards your direction. You stayed hidden as they walked past you, seemingly not noticing you, which almost made you sigh in relief, but before you did that you reminded yourself that you were still hidden.

"No, but seriously, why did no one tell me there was a riddle behind the snapping twice thing?" You heard a male voice fading in the background before you noticed that the statue moved back in place, putting two and two together you realized that in order to move the statue and gain access to whatever is behind it, you would have to snap twice. Walking towards the statue and snapping twice before seeing it move right in front of your eyes was something you could not describe, it was just magical and majestic, and you could not wait to see what was behind it. As you walked down the stairs, you noticed that it was a secret library, truly a place where you can do research and find out what could possibly be behind it. As you read the book titles that were not in the direct line of the stairs, you thought you heard the statue move again after it had already closed after you walked in, and the footsteps solidified that. You started to manage your breath while slowly making yourself look smaller as you tried to hide from whoever just walked in, only to realize that more than one person just entered the library again, that means that the group that just left it probably left something down here, and you would be stuck in a library with a bunch of outcasts who under every circumstance could not know that you were in there. It was terrifying but after a while you heard the statue close again which meant that they probably left, but as you got from behind the bookcase you felt a cloth under your nose before you blacked out.


As (y/n) blacked out due to the chloroform soaked cloth that Yoko held to their nose, the nightshades now had to figure out what to do with them. "Anyone recognize them?" Yoko said as she showed the rest (y/n) that was limp in her arms, the entire group knew that there was someone who was not supposed to be there but to see someone not wearing the uniform it meant that someone sneaked into their school and expected to get away with it. "Isn't that the normie who works besides Tyler at weathervane?" Ajax says as he takes a good look at them, "Yeah I'm fairly positive that is the normie who works besides Tyler...kinda cute too" He says, confirming his earlier statement.

"That just begs the question as to why a normie would go out of their way to go to Nevermore, unless they're up to something" Bianca said, not all too happy that a normie managed to not only find their way into Nevermore but also into the nightshades secret library. "It doesn't matter if they are cute, we need to figure out what to do with them" She says after a small pause as she takes in the features of the normie.

"Why don't we put them in my room for now?" Xavier pipes up from the back, already knowing who (y/n) is because of the outreach day when he had to work besides them and Tyler. "Their name is (Y/n), and since I currently have a room by myself, no one would notice that we are currently keeping someone in there"

"I think that is the smartest thing you have said so far" Bianca replied to Xavier's suggestion, not finding any flaws to it even if something in the back of her mind wanted to argue just so that she could keep the normie in her shared room with Divina.

"So we are moving the normie to Xavier's room now or what...?" Kent asked as they were all just looking at (y/n) being passed out in now Xavier's arms as Yoko had handed them over to Xavier after his suggestion.

"Yes, let's go" Bianca said as she moved towards the stairs again in order to get out of the library with the group and towards their new location.

The entire group did not know it yet, but they all felt something about (y/n) that made them want to hold them in their arms and keep them sheltered away from the world.

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