141. Wednesday Addams | never again

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Sitting on the roof of the school, you pulled your knees further into your chest as you stared out into the blackness that surrounded the world.

It was so peaceful, the only sounds being the light breeze through the trees, the way the moonlight bounced of the nearby lake, the stars whinging so brightly above.

Letting out a small breath, you watched as it turned to mist and slowly rose into the sky.

You smiled to yourself.

Standing up, you spread your arms out, closing your eyes as you beamed from ear to ear.

You loved this.

You loved the night.

The darkness.

Everything about it.

But the smile soon fell from your face, because the beauty of the night also hurt.

It brought back memories of a person you wanted nothing more than to just forget, someone who you'd been trying for the past year to get over, to work out of your mind.

And it had nearly worked, up until the point she randomly turned up at Nevermore, burning herself into your brain once again.

And the worst part?

Wednesday Addams didn't even seem to know who you were.

Jumping down from the roof, you landed on the balcony below and stood there, hands stuffed in your pockets as you buried your face into your hoodie.


You turned around, smiling at the friendly werewolf who had stepped outside.

"Hey, sorry did I wake you?"

"No, I wasn't asleep. I was talking to Wednesday, are you okay?" She asked.

You froze a little at the mention of the other girls name, but you slowly nodded your head.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just getting some fresh air is all." You beamed.

Enid frowned a little, she didn't believe you, she knew you too well.

Walking over, she leant across the balcony, and you sat down next to her, swinging your legs back and forth a little bit.

"That's her, isn't it? The girl you told me who didn't love you back. It's Wednesday."

"How'd you know?"

"The pain on your face when you first met her. Why not talk to her, become friends?" Enid asked.

"She made it clear she didn't even know I exist."

"Come on! Surely that's not true!" Enid huffed, "she's nice! A bit weird, and shows she cares in weird ways, but she really does care!"

You shrugged a little bit, and titled your head to face the sky once more.

"You don't know her like I do. I grew up with her Enid, trust me. That girl has no care in the world for other people. She never even noticed me, she doesn't even remember me."

"That is because emotions have a habit of ruining things."

You didn't bother to turn around, you didn't have to because Wednesday walked over and stood on the other side of Enid.

"I'll just..." Enid mumbled.

She could cut the tension with her claws, and she didn't want to stay around that for any longer.

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