200. Xavier Thorpe | Distract

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Xavier Thorpe x Fem!ReaderSummary: Xavier distracts you from getting your teams flag while his team mate gets theirs.Warnings: I don't really know if there is any.


"you guys stay right here and look after our boat, I wont be long" you told your team that wore cat ears and black outfits with whiskers painted on your cheeks. seeing Xavier's team getting to the shore made you panic and start backing up from your boat.

you started running up the trail to get your flag when you stumbled on a rock and started tripping over when a pair of hands caught you before you hit the ground. you looked up and was met with a smirking joker.

"watch your step" Xavier chuckled

"let go of me" you demanded, wanting to get your flag and help your team win

"no need to be in such a hurry" even in clownish make up, he didn't fail to make you lose focus.

his hands remained on you body, slowly sliding down your torso to your hips and staying there as he backed you up into a tree

"I need my flag" you stated

"and you'll get it, I just want to talk to you first" he said before a smile grew on his face.

his grin made your heart flutter and you almost forgot about winning for your team

"be quick about it" you sighed while looking at your flag still standing on the ground with the other ones

"I'm starting to think you don't like my company" Xavier added, his smile faltering

"it's not that"

"then what is it?" he questioned while one of his hands ran up your body to reach you cheek.

"I'd just rather we do this while we aren't competing for something" you answered him.

"so if we weren't competing, would you say you like this?" he practically whispered, leaning closer to you.

his body was pressed up against yours as his grip on your hip slightly tightened. you felt helpless against his touch.

"I wouldn't say that" you looked away from him, feeling embarrassed he moved his hand to your chin and lifted it so you would look at him in the eyes. he rubbed your chin with his thumb before sliding it up into you hair, tugging it gently.

"so what would you say?" his hot breath fanned against your face.

you remained quiet, not knowing how to answer

"your whiskers are rubbing off" he changed the subject after chuckling at your silence

"I don't mind" you shrugged

"I think it's cute" he said as his smile returned

"do you now?"

"I do, I think you're really cute" he confessed

he smirked when you giggled at his response

"can you let me go now?" you took a deep breath in and out

"alright fine, only because I like you" he winked before letting you go.

he turned around to the flags to get his

"one more thing" he said before turning back to you again and blocked you from the flags

his hands made their way to their original position as he leaned in and kissed you.

his arm wrapped around the small of your back to support you as your hands made their way to his chest.

he deepened the kiss as he pulled you closer to his body and tugging your hair.

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