87. Xavier Thorpe | Clingy Boyfriend HC

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okay sohe's the clingiest boyfriend ever he doesn't like call you every hour, it's not like he needs to know where you are every second and he doesn't get jealous when you do much as look at another guybutwhen you're around he touches you like literally all the time, usually has his hand on your waist more than anything elsehe does also love just holding your hand thoughbut if you stand anywhere near him there's like a 98% chance in about four seconds he will come up behind you, slip his arm around your waist so his hand rests on your stomach, fingers splayed possessivelydepending on your height he rests his chin on the top of your head or on your shoulder in this position and usually presses a few kisses to your cheek or your neck as wellhe adores when there's music playing and you both start swaying in this position, you leaning back against him and he can smell your perfume and whisper in your earusually just pretty sayings and random compliments but also sometimes he will just lean down, make sure no one can hear you and then tell you whatever the dirtiest thing on his mind is that secondif you're sitting near each other or he can't touch his whole body to yours then you best believe he's grabbing your hand and not letting it gohe never really stops moving though, even though he's holding your hand his fingers are flexing around yours or his thumb is smoothing back and forwards over the back of your handhe's not a morning personhe really just absolutely is notand 40% of the reason he is not a morning person is because it means you have to leave his arms and get ready for your dayafter about a month of sleeping in the same bed, you start setting your alarm fifteen minutes earlier than you need to be up for because that way you can fool Xavier into thinking he's kept you in bed for some extra timehe feels very sneaky about this and has no idea what you've done with your alarmsthe most adorable part of his clinginess is when he's asleep though, bcus he always reaches out for youhe can usually only fall asleep if he has an arm over you, your head on his chest or is lying between your legs on your stomach etc but if you two somehow separate in the night then it only takes about three minutes before he's unconsciously stretching his arm out, fingers grabbing at you and pulling himself closer to you or shoving your body under hisgod forbid you ever have to get up to pee in the middle of the night because he is deceptively strongfirst time you woke and tried to get up at like four am you were so surprised cause he looks like very lanky but then suddenly you literally cannot move his arms and every time you shift they tighten into iron rods around your waist as he grumbles in his sleep and presses his forehead into your backyou had to actually wake him up to go to the toilet, and when you came back he had the grumpiest expression on his face, not falling back asleep until you were back in bedhe frowned at you when you came back, pulled the duvet up, let you slide in and then wrapped the duvet over your form, tucking it under the other side of your bodyexcept he leaves his arm over there as well and plants his face in your neck, almost laying completely on top of you, and his voice is so muffled against you that you're lucky to make out him going "why dyou leave? jus stay-want you t'stay from now on" you didn't think he really knew what he'd just said and he fell back asleep pretty much immediately but you never forgot, and even though he never mentioned it to you again, it crosses your mind an awful lotclingy even while unconscious, you thoughtneither of you would have it any other way though :))

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