75. Kent Fisher | Clingy Reader Mermaid

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He loves it because he sees it in the way that they are as devoted to him as he is towards them, not to mention that he also sees it as him being chosen to protect his obsession from other people. Whenever he goes out swimming with his obsession he will take his role as their protector very seriously and always check out the water to see if anything else is in the water besides them before he starts to goof around with his obsession, he won't be able to handle anything harming his obsession especially since sirens are supposed to protect mermaids from other creatures/normies. To be fair I don't think that Kent will actually notice that his obsession is ignoring his red flags as he doesn't really see what he is doing is wrong, he thinks that his way of thinking and behaving around someone he loves is completely normal and that he loves his obsession the right amount.

He will absolutely revel in the attention that his obsession gives him while they cling onto him, hell he might even make excuses to leave social settings when he notices that his obsession is more clingy than usual so that he can just cuddle and hang out with his obsession in his dorm. He lives for his obsessions attention so if they are unknowingly feeding into it, it could start to get messy for anyone who tries to interrupt his alone time with his obsession unless it is his twin sister because then it just turns into family bonding in his mind. (Bianca can also interrupt, but that's mostly because she is a fellow siren who he cares about, and it's an unspoken rule not to harm mermaids) If his obsession loves to cling onto his arms he will just carry their bag for them so that they won't have anything else to do other than to cling onto his arm while they are walking to their next class, he will have a smile on his face whenever his obsession does this as it reassures him that they actually love him. He will fall even harder if he and his obsession are not dating yet, but he was already starting to hog their attention and someone tried to tell his obsession that Kents attention seeking behaviour was not normal only for his obsession to brush it off saying that they should mind their own business because Kent is a very good and close friend and that they don't know what they are talking about, Kent will then insert himself into the conversation by walking up to his obsession and that person would just walk away because they know they will get nowhere with trying to warn Kents obsession about Kents red flags.

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