147. Xavier Thorpe | Pretty as a picture

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Summary: On your first Christmas together, Xavier makes a surprise for you.


"Can I look already?"

You asked as you walked amongst the woods, the feeling of Xavier's hands steadily wrapped around your waist keeping you on a safe path.

Xavier chuckled at your eagerness, "no, just a little longer." He pulled you closer to his body, his hand disappearing under your sweater and finding the skin of your hip.

This was your first Christmas together and the boy wanted to make something for it to be memorable; his idea earned him a few nights of work, but it would be worth it if it got you smiling.

The door to his secret art shed opened slowly with a creak, a few snowflakes flowing inside with the wind before he closed it again behind you.

You felt how the cold wind stopped hitting your skin. Involuntary, you hugged yourself to create some warmth now that you were inside. You kept your eyes closed still, hearing Xavier move things around; something fell to the wooden floor and another was pushed away, until he was back at your side.

His hands on your shoulders prompted goosebumps on your skin, he had a warmth to him that you could easily melt into.

"Can I open them now?" You asked in a whisper, you hand fisted the fabric of Xavier's hoodie as you rested your forehead under his chin.

Xavier winded his arms around you, a smile ever present on his lips, his cheeks molding tye curves as testimonies of his affection. He kissed your hairline; "yeah, you can open them," and stepped aside so you could see his surprise.

You opened your eyes slowly, taking your time to let them adjust to the different lighting. The air got stuck to your throat as soon as you saw it though; there, standing tall on one of Xavier's bigger easels, was a perfectly painted picture of you and him. The memory was one you kept close to heart and the picture just about overflowed with the love you felt for it; on the painting, you sat beside Xavier as he held the camera, both your smiles were big, his hair all wet and clinging to his forehead, your bathing suit drenching the picnic blanket underneath you and the lake's water glistening brightly behind you.

"I know how much you love that picture," Xavier started, his eyes never leaving you as he heard his own heartbeat in his ears in anticipation. He extended a hand to his painting, allowing it to come to life before your eyes, "so I uh- decided to paint it for you."

You brushed the wetness from under your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater, unable to take your eyes away from the painting. It felt like you were back there on that day.

"I know it's cheesy but, I hope you liked it," Xavier said in a breath, insecurity starting to creep up on him because of your silence.

"I love it," you whispered to yourself first, realizing only after a beat that he was the one who needed to hear it.

The light on Xavier's art shed was dim, when you turned to face him, you could just about make out the glistening of his own expectant eyes as he looked down at you. His hair fell in golden waves, framing his cheeks softly, he was all sunset-kissed warmth and honey-like sweetness.

You pulled Xavier into a hug with a quick move, crashing his body with yours with a soft huff. You squeezed his shoulders, and buried your hand in his hair, feeling through the tender strands as he melted against you, his hands coming around your waist and holding on tightly.

"I love it, Xavi," you told him, your lips brushing the skin of his neck, "I love it so, so much. Almost as much as I love you."

He chuckled against you, the sound muffled by your sweater as it came out more like a relieved sigh than anything else.

You pulled away after a few moments of basking in his warmth, and as you did so, Xavier glanced up; "so does your beloved boyfriend also deserves a kiss?"

His hands kept firm around your waist, you braced yourself on his shoulders as you looked up as well, only to see a small mistletoe hanging right above you.

"I mean, you kinda have to, right?" Xavier bit his lip with a grin.

You raised an eyebrow at him, smirking back as you hummed as if in deep thought; "I don't know, does he?"

Xavier jutted his lower lip in a pout, doing his best attempt at puppy eyes. He leaned in to place a peck just by the corner of your mouth, then to your jaw, and under your ear; all the while muttering a small please.

You curled in on yourself when his kisses made you shiver. With a finger under Xavier's chin, you turned him to you.

Your lips were already brushing against his when you spoke; "how could I ever say no?"

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