102. Wednesday Addams | Leontopodium Alpinum

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Wednesday Addams x GN Reader

Warnings: angst, nudity(?) violence, unedited (ngl i didn't even read through this)

Word Count: 1.4k

Summary: Y/n gets injured and Wednesday won't talk to them but sends them a flower to show them that she cares and is devoted to them.


Y/n looked at their phone screen and groaned, it was almost four in the morning and they had yet to get any sleep. They got out of bed and slipped on their shoes and grabbed the zip up that they had stolen from Wednesday Adddams. Well they didn't technically steal it, Wednesday had forced it upon them on a particularly chilly afternoon when they were in the town nearby.

Y/n left their dorm room that they had to themself, not having to keep quiet in fear of waking anyone. They knew that leaving their dorm and going for a walk in the forest in and of itself is a risky thing to do. But going out with a homicidal monster killing at random? Even more dangerous, the school was on lockdown.

But Y/n decided that the rule didn't apply to them and made their way to the dark and creepy forest. They needed to clear their mind and what better than a walk accompanied by the ambiance of the forest?

Wednesday woke and sat straight up in her bed, the nightmare she had woken from was not one of imagination. The nightmare had been one of her visions, it was of Y/n being attacked by the monster. They had been walking alone in the woods, not paying mind to their surroundings. Then suddenly the claws of the monster were buried within Y/n's stomach. Blood seeping into their lightly colored sleep shirt.

Wednesday had enough wherewithal to know it wasn't a nightmare, and that this was about to happen. She was also smart enough to realize that chances were that she would not be able to stop the attack. And that hopefully she made it to her lover's side in time to get them medical attention.

She shook Enid awake, "Enid, get up we need to go find Y/n. They're in danger."

Enid quickly got up and the two girls ran to where Wednesday had seen Y/n getting attacked in her vision. They saw as the monster ran off, and Wednesday dropped to her knees next to Y/n. They were unconscious and bleeding, but they had a pulse and were breathing and in that moment that is all Wednesday could ask for.

Enid called for an ambulance as Wednesday applied pressure to Y/n's bleeding abdomen. She watched as their chest rose and fell. Five minutes later an ambulance arrived, paramedics loaded Y/n on the stretcher and drove off. Sheriff Galpin took the two girls to talk to and to talk to Weems.

Blood stained Wednesday's hands, the red darkening in color as it dried. The blood bothered Wednesday, something she never thought she would feel. Sickened by the sight of her own blood stained hands.

"Can I go now?" Wednesday asked after telling the Sheriff everything she had seen.

Weems allowed her to leave, and she did not attend class the rest of the week. Enid went and saw Y/n.

"They've been asking for you, you know." Enid says one day after visiting Y/n at the hospital.

"I don't wish to see them." Wednesday says coldly, putting up a front. Not wanting to expose her vulnerable heart. The same heart that belonged to Y/n, since their first date. It had been a picnic in a cemetery, the Addams' ancestors had approved of the union when a crow dropped from the sky.

"Wednesday, I know that this whole 'I don't care' act, is just that. An act. I saw how you acted when you found them. You care about them Wednesday, and you act like you prefer to be alone but we both know you prefer to be with them." There's an edge to Enid's voice that is never there, "You were scared, Wednesday Addams, and that scared you more than anything."

Wednesday's eyes flashed with anger and she left their shared dorm.

Y/n sat in their hospital bed, they still had an IV in their arm and multiple wires connected to them to keep an eye on their vitals. Each morning when they woke up they asked if they could leave. Enid came and visited as much as she could, as did Ajax and Xavier.

Y/n teared up seeing just Enid for the fourth time in a row, they wanted to see Wednesday. Enid had told them that she had a vision and that's how they found them. Y/n didn't know what was going through Wednesday's mind, but they could take a few stabs at why she hadn't come up.

They know that when Eugene was attacked, she only visited while he was still unconscious. Not wanting to show anyone how vulnerable she felt, she felt as though it were her fault. But they knew that this time there was another element to it.

"I'm actually not feeling all that well tonight, Enid, can you come back tomorrow?" Y/n lied, pretending that the morphine drip wasn't doing more than enough for the pain.

In reality they couldn't handle the look Enid gave them when they asked if Wednesday was going to come.

"I'll be here as soon as you wake up." Enid smiled.

Y/n laid in the hospital bed, on their back unable to move without fear of tearing a stitch. They mindlessly scrolled through social media before they became tired and decided to sleep.

When Y/n woke up they saw a single white flower. Y/n looked around to make sure their doctors weren't near and slowly made their way over to the counter where the flower lay.

There was a small note under the flower.

The leontopodium alpinum, commonly known as edelweiss. represents devotion. It grows in some of the toughest alpine conditions in the world. Bavarian men were said to climb the Alps to pick and bring the flower to their love.

It didn't take a genius to know who had brought the flower and it was even less of a question as to who wrote the note.

Wednesday Addams was never the best at communication, but the flowers' symbolism was loud and clear.

When Y/n's doctor finally allowed them to leave, Principal Weems picked them up. They rode to Nevermore in silence, when they arrived Weems informed them that they wouldn't need to make up the school work they missed.

Y/n made their way to their dorm and finally took a shower. Their hair was grimey, and they scrubbed their head and body. They wanted all the pain from the past few days to be gone. After getting out of the shower, instead of going to sleep. They put on pajamas that consisted of a loose fitting shirt and shorts.

They slipped shoes on and made their way to the dorm that Wednesday and Enid shared with one another. Enid had texted Y/n that she wasn't there but Wednesday was and now was the time to talk to her.

Y/n knocked and then opened the door, Wednesday was hunched over her typewriter. There were multiple crumpled pieces of paper on the desk and floor around her.

"Hi." Y/n spoke, making their way over to Wednesday.

Wednesday stopped typing, but didn't look up at her partner.

"I've missed you, and I got the flower. Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but you're scared. I think that you are scared to lose so you're scared to love. I think that you love me, and I'm in love with you." Y/n spoke, slowly they walked closer to Wednesday and placed a hand gently on her shoulder.

Wednesday was silent, "It's okay if you don't want to talk to me. And I'll leave, but I needed to see you." Y/n moved to leave but Wednesday was quicker.

Gently grasping their wrist and gently pulling them into her body. Wrapping her arms around their body.

"You were right, cara mia." Wednesday quietly spoke.

"I knew it, I'm always right." Y/n joked.

"I will feed you your own hand." Wednesday threatened.

"Forced cannibalism, freaky. I like it." Y/n laughed at their own joke, immediately hurting their abdomen and the laugh turned into a groan.

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