83. Yandere!All x Normie Reader IV

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Tumblr : yanpotatowriter

As you were passed out another female decided to enter Xavier's dorm, they all decided to message Xavier whenever they entered his dorm in order to see you, so he won't get pissed off or be surprised if something had moved in his dorm while he was away.

Bianca closed the door behind her and just stared at you for a while, while you were in a seemingly peaceful slumber. She removed strands of hair that were getting close to your mouth, and she was just relaxing looking at your peaceful expression it made her realize why the others were so adamant on keeping you here, safe at nevermore. 

Yoko and Divina had told them that they accidentally put too much sleeping drugs in the drinks, not to a dangerous amount but enough to make you sleep through the rest of the day, so Bianca took it upon herself to keep an eye out and have food and water ready for when you woke up. 

In the meantime she looked around the rooms again, she was impressed with how clean it actually stayed while more people had been frequenting the place. Especially considering Xavier's track record of cleaning things.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard you waking up, the noise of the chains while you turned made her turn her attention towards you. 

However, you just groaned when you saw yet another person sitting beside your bed, it really made you wonder just how many people knew that you were here and were just okay/in on it. As you sat up right, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you made sure to not look at the female's direction after you were done rubbing your eyes. 

It has been 3 days already and quite frankly you were getting tired of this situation more and more, and what made it worse is that you felt also more hopeless as the days went on as it reduced your chances of escaping. 

You knew that you could play the long game and gain their trust that way but since you did not feel like getting friendly with your kidnappers and the fact that you already knew one of them which betrayed your trust of the people you already knew. 

You were just tired, exhausted even and getting drugged twice in the span of 2 or 3 days really did not help that factor and being awake ish and almost constantly having someone near you was not helpful. 

"You should eat" The female next to you spoke which caused you to turn towards her and the simple breakfast next to her. 

You stayed silent, but you did start to eat, you just were not willing to talk to her, hell you don't even know her name. But you could guess that she probably knew your name due to multiple people being involved, some who knew your name before this situation and because you told Yoko and Divina your name. 

The only sound was you eating and occasionally drinking for the water while Bianca stayed nearby, she was on her phone probably texting someone. 

At least that made you more at ease than being constantly watched while you ate or drank, but as you kept eating you did keep staring at the window. Occasionally seeing animals fly by or clouds, it made you long to go outside again and just breathe in the fresh air.

After you were done eating you just placed the plate back onto the bedside table that was on the side next to Bianca, you still did not know her name at this time and the silence was deafening, but you were not going to be the person who takes the initiative and start a conversation. If they wanted to know you they could get to know you when you were free and back behind the counter of weathervane. 

"You know, the entire group is still baffled that you tried to solve a murder mystery on your own without anything to help you out" Bianca said eventually, saying what had been on the group's mind since the beginning. As they found you with nothing but your phone and a note pad, nothing that is able to help you as self-defence or anything like that. 

"What's with you folk asking questions without even saying your name?" You muttered under your breath, not in the mood to be quizzed about your decision that ended up being very stupid.

"It's because I was just going to check the place out, no need for weapons if you're not planning to get violent, or drugged for that matter." You said, answering the question anyway because you did not know anything about her and did not know what she would be capable of. 

"Well clearly that went swimmingly for you, huh? My name is Bianca, might as well answer your question since you answered mine" She said with a small predator like grin on her face, you noticed that unlike Yoko she did not have fangs which eliminated the fact that she could be a vampire.

"Next time I'll be sure to bring a shotgun" The remark left your mouth before you could even think about it, and it showed that Bianca did not like that, her expression was unreadable, but you did know that you felt terrified when you saw the look on her face, even if it disappeared a second later as she collected herself.

"Well maybe a next time will never happen you can't have a next time as long as you're here" She said with a grin on her face before she refilled the empty glass with water again before she left the dorm entirely with the dirty plate, but before she left she said one more thing.

"And we will make sure that you won't leave us. We like you too much to let that happen" 

Before you could question that sentence and the truth behind it, she had left and had closed the door on the way out, letting out a frustrated sigh you started to think what she could mean by that. Maybe you could ask Xavier or any of the other people when they come by again.    

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