14. Yoko Tanaka | Life Line

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Reader is depressed due to her mother figure, Miss Weems being stabbed with the nightshade needle, Weems is in hospital but presumed dead by poor y/n, yoko being y/n's girlfriend has been with y/n as much as possible during her time of mourning

Warning - angst with a dabble of more angst 😙


It had been a few weeks since the Crackstone attack on Nevermore Academy, Weems was supposedly dead and Miss Thornhill was definitely dead. Both of your parental figures gone in the space of an hour because some shitty dead dude decided he needed to kill all outcasts. Everyone knew Thornhill was behind the attack but you, no one had the heart to tell the you this, and so help anyone who got close to telling you. On the day of the attack you were in the library catching up on your studies awaiting on your girlfriend yoko, that was until a explosion occurred, knocking you out, you had then been unconscious throughout the whole thing. After the attack, all of your friends had been looking for you as you weren't evacuated with the other students, this was when yoko remembered about yours and her study date, she amongst her friends had ran to the library praying for you to still be there, they found you passed out there in the library.

Now with it being the two week mark of the attack Yoko, Wednesday, Bianca and Enid had tried their best to keep you from falling deeper into the hole of depression the whole day dug you into. Bianca brought you water and sang to you until you fell asleep, Enid made sure your self care was being done even if she had to do it for you, Wednesday came and helped with the your studies, Ajax came and blessed you with his poor attempts at comedy while yoko came to check on you every few hours making sure you had ate, drank water and just to be there through this time.

Principle Weems had allowed you to join the school due to how you were an orphan and had the power of controlling nature, which Weems had never seen. You had excelled at carnivorous class which was no surprise due to your powers, because of this Thornhill took a liking to the you, something yoko never liked, yoko knew Thornhill was bad news but didn't want to interrupt the friendship between Thornhill and yourself as it made you happy. Yet now after the attack yoko wished she had stopped the friendship sooner. Seeing how broken the once smiley girl was broke everyone's heart.

A few days after the attack, Bianca had stolen some of the fencing equipment and took you out to the woods behind the school to try and get your anger out. This ended up with you throwing the helmet to the floor and sobbing into Bianca's arms. Enid had taken you out with the werewolf's on a full moon and let you scream until your lungs gave in and you couldn't scream any more, after that for the rest of the night you where silent, to say the least you looked exhausted and everyone saw it.

Your friends took turns with it, if Wednesday and Enid went to the hospital to see Weems, Yoko and Bianca were with you trying to keep the high spirits, vice versa. Now it is the three week anniversary of the attack and your mental health was incredibly low.

A knock on your door had grabbed your attention, you didn't bother moving from your place on the floor, the door slowly opened and your girlfriend came in slowly with a bottle of water and one of her hoodies in her arms. "Hey my love, why are you on the floor?" She chuckled lowly as she closed the door and turned on your LED lights, the colour being dark blue. She walked over to you and sat on the bed behind you, you tilted your head up acknowledging the older girl, she smiled in return for the acknowledgment. "come here arms up" Yoko commanded in a soft tone, you then lazily complied, scooting yourself closer to your girlfriend and putting your arms in the air, she took the baggy band tshirt you are wearing off and threw it into your washing basket, quickly replacing the shirt with her hoodie "now can you stand up for me?" Yoko said with a smile, again you complied, you stood up and sat next to your girlfriend, resting your head on her shoulder. "im sorry" you said in a whisper. Yoko shook her head, wrapping her arms around you and moving the two of you so now you are both laying down in your bed.

The day after that Bianca had come bursting into your dorm, you and yoko layed in each others arms, you where asleep and yoko was awake as ever, holding a finger up to her lip yoko commanded Bianca to be quiet. "Put her headphones on" Bianca told yoko, urgency in her voice. Quickly yoko placed your headphones over your ears and stood up, leaving you in your bed asleep, yoko grabbed Bianca's arm and dragged the girl outside of your dorm. "What's up B?" Yoko said, urgency reeking off the siren "It's Weems" Bianca paused for a second "she's been discharged from hospital" the siren says with a smile. "oh how do we tell y/n?" Yoko says with a sad smile "she's your girlfriend yoko you figure it out" Bianca smirks as she walks away leaving yoko to deal with the ticking time bomb that is her girlfriend.

Yoko walks back in the room and you looked a bit better than yesterday, and you were stood in front of your mirror just staring at yourself. Maybe not too much better. "hey love your up" she says with a sad smile "do you think I would look good with a bob?" You say with scissors in your hands. She chuckles and walks over, taking the scissors out of your hands and onto the makeup desk. "My love come sit down I have to tell you something" Yoko says softly as she leads you to the bed. "oh god you're breaking up with me?" You say in panic, her hands quickly come up to cup your face and she shakes her head "no, no it's Weems she survived the poisoning, she's out of the hospital if you need to see he-" Yoko doesn't even get to finish her sentence as you run out of the door and towards Weems' office, all of your friends stand around in the office, Weems stood at her desk as you run in. "ohmygod" you say as you run into Weems' arms with teary eyes. 

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