52. Ajax Petropolus | WILD AS HER

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3rd Person POV

car rides were the one and only thing that kept you entertained and calm. lately school and work had been kicking your ass and it was tiring. not to mention the fact that your friends kept pestering you about love life, like you don't have one. i mean you did, just not one they knew of. they believed that you had high standards and would hold people to it.

it was just the fact that no one could or would ever be able to keep up with you and your energy. they wouldn't be able to handle that and people knew that. they knew that sometimes you could and would be off the walls. they knew you and there was only person who had the same amount of energy but also the energy to calm you down and let you breathe.

ajax petropolus, the gorgon had taken a liking to you not long after he saw the way you acted and your energy. he became automatically attracted and wanted to be around you all the time. that's truly where your relationship began, class, the quad, reading, literally anything you did , he did because that's what he liked to do.

you noticed and after a while, you began to date. it was official to you two but not to anyone else. they would annoy you and treat you differently so you didn't tell them. you liked being a secret, it made you both feel better

but today wasn't your day and he could see that. he didn't want to do or say anything to push you off the edge and he wouldn't. he didn't want to do that you. he watched the way your hand twitched and the way you stared at the ceiling

"hey y/n" he asked and you turned your head to him. he liked the way you looked at him, it was almost like all of the bad things had been watched away and weren't there anymore

"yeah aj?" you asked and he smiled at the nickname. you were the only person who called him that and it made him feel special inside

"do you want to go for a car ride? keep your mind off of things?" he asked as he stood up and walked over holding his hand out. y/n grabbed onto his hand stood up as they smiled

"you know me so well" they replied and he smiled as he leaned forward and kissed your nose making your scrunch it up

"it is my job as your boyfriend love, now let's go" he said and he wrapped his hand around yours as he led you out of the room and down to the parking lot. it was friday night 7:30 pm and dark already, weems didn't care about people leaving as long as they came back and you two had permission.

he held the car keys as he unlocked the doors and you got in together. he automatically got buckled and turned on the radio

"where to angel?" he asked and you turned to him with a soft smile on your face

"anywhere you take me lover" you replied and he blushed as he rolled down the windows and he left the school. he drove around for a few hours, keeping the wind in your heart and even on the turns you couldn't help but stare, he had your heart hanging on around every turn.

for once in your life you weren't scared to turn or get burned because you had finally found someone as wild as you. he didn't want to leave you, he couldn't leave you, he also wasn't trying to fix you, he just wanted to kiss her, and feel the fire that ignited your soul.

he knew what when you stayed together, that you'd stayed forever. he was the wild you needed and he was the wild you got.

you had finally found someone as wild as you. 

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