94. Wednesday Addams | Mystery To Me II

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summary . Wednesday started to fall in love harder than she knew she had with you.

pairing . Wednesday x gn!reader

warning . lot's of fluff and kissing T_T me and who?


You and Wednesday have been on a rollercoater ride ever since you both started dating. The phrase- "Life is full of surprises"- was hard to believe for Wednesday because all that had occured in her life was predictable, she knew what would happen to her due to her actions, she knew what would happen to others due to her actions.

But this was a first, as much as it haunts to not know what comes next, Wednesday was thrilled to say the least. Emphasis on thrilled. She liked mysteries afterall, mysteries which are too easy to crack are no fun. But trying to predict you and failing to do so everytime.. was fun in it's own.

Like the time you kissed her neck.

🍥Little ice cream dates

Tyler had suggested you a good icecream parlour so you insisted Wednesday to hang out with you there.

"I came for an icecream, not to see your mouth smeared with some overly whipped cream." Wednesday commented while giving you a judging look.

You chuckled, "The same goes for you." She contorted her eyebrows as you suddenly leaned closer.

"Let me wipe for you." You said and you kept leaning further until your lips were mere centimeters away, as much as that she could clearly smell the flavour of the icecream you were having from your lips. She immediately shut her eyes as reflex and you couldn't help but laugh and backoff as you cleaned the lips with your finger. Did she think we were about to kiss? How adorable?

Wednesday immediately opened her eyes feeling embarassed and now she wanted revenge, therefore before you could seize your laughter, she leant in as she kissed the cream of your lips leaving your eyes wide open in shock.

You looked at her speechless as your heart beat increased it's pace. You started fanning yourself, "You sure are bold huh? In open public?" She smirked at your reaction, "You teased me first _________! Winning is in my nature." You wiped your mouth with a tissue as you listened to her with narrowed eyes. "Oh Miss Addams, are we competing against each other?"

She shrugged, "Whatever it is, I won." "Then watch out." And before Wednesday could decipher your warning, you grabbed her by shoulders catching her off gaurd and then you did what Wednesday never saw it coming in a million years. You kissed her.. on neck.

She took in a sharp breath, "I won." You said with a victorious smirk.

She blinked at your sudden action, you were making her feel foreign things and she needed to cool off immediately. The icecream was long finished and now all she wanted was to run. She started walking away when you laughed loudly and called out to her, "Wednesday that's the wrong direction." Good, now she was getting directions wrong, way to go Wednesday! She mentally facepalmed herself as she reversed her direction with a straight face.

But even though it was somewhat embarassing, Wednesday for the first time didn't desire to kill someone who embarraseed her.

Your relationship was filled with teasing, loving and a lot's of physical affection.

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