59. Wednesday & Enid | Soulmates

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An Au in which the first conversation with your soulmates are engraved into your skin. R has pyrokenises and super speed.

Wednesday x Enid

Eventually Wednesday x reader x Enid


Arriving at nevermore made you realise just how much your parents didn't want you, they left you right at the gates like a baby at a fire station. The principal was tall, taller than anyone you'd met before. She was intimidating, or well thats how she seemed until she started the tour, shaking arroyos the school expecting questions, but you stayed quiet, not even a hum left your mouth.

"And this is the heart of nevermore, if you have any questions please do ask" you just nodded and sighed, taking in the sight of the 'quad' people busting themselves with whatever they could, your eyes landed on a specific pair, one of them being bright and colourful and the other in complete contrast, you kept staring trying to figure out what it was attracting you to them, and then they started walking towards you. "These two are in your neighbouring dorm, they'll show you to your dorm"

"Oh uh it's fine, I can manage by myself" you muttered taking the key from her hand and running off, leaving almost everyone confused, more so the two girls stood before you.

"That was weird" Enid sighed looking in the direction you'd fled in.

"They're shy" Mrs Weems stated before walking off to her countless amounts of duties to attend too for the day.

You sat in your dorm, it was a single considering everyone had moved in with soulmates or had already been paired as roommates with their soulmates before they discovered each other. You had no interest of finding your soulmates, your fire controlling aspect of your body was too unpredictable, the only reason you were sent to this god forsaken school was because you set the previous one of fire. Tracing the words on your arm made you want to burn them off, no matter how hard you tried but they always came back.

'You ruined my sweater!'

'I'm going to saw your hands off with my most rusted knife.'


Assuming by the words, you burn soulmates number ones sweater and the other one is extremely angry about it and then you have a mental breakdown. Sounds about right.

A knock broke you out of your trance of imagining how the scene would play out. You answered the door, revealing an average height women holding a potted flower in her hand and a bag.

"Hello, I'm this Thornhill, your dorm mom" she smiled welcoming herself into your room, you hummed along as she explained the rules. "Please don't set anything on fire, and here's your specialised uniform" she handed you the bag and then the flower. You thanked her and placed the flower down.

The two girls from earlier watched as Mrs Thornhill leave, you caught there eyes and stared for second too long before closing the door.

"I like the new kid" Wednesday stated calmly before kissing Enid on the cheek and walking back into their dorm.

The next morning was hell. You woke up to the sound of banging on your door, it took a while to wake up, so the person let themselves in, you opened your eyes to see a tall figure standing over you. "You need to wake up, classes start soon" they flashed a smile revealing fangs, when they straightened up and you got out of bed you took in their appearance, long dark hair, round sunglasses, pale skin. A vampire. "Names Yoko" you nodded before going into the bathroom to change.

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