sweet discord (minji x fem reader)

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minji and y/n had been at each other's throats for as long as they could remember. they had grown up in the same neighborhood, attending the same schools and participating in the same activities. but no matter what they did, they just couldn't seem to get along.

minji was a straight-a student who was involved in every school club. she was always focused on her studies and her future, and she didn't have time for people who weren't as driven as she was.

y/n, on the other hand, was the school's star athlete. she was known for being a troublemaker, always getting into fights and causing chaos wherever she went. she didn't care about school or her future; she just wanted to have fun.

when they were assigned to work together on the school dance committee, they both groaned in frustration. they knew that it was going to be a disaster.

aa they sat down to work on the project, they bickered and argued over every single detail. minji insisted on having a live band, while y/n wanted a dj. minji wanted to have a black and white color scheme, while y/n wanted a neon theme.

"no! imagine how cool it would to have a dj!" y/n shouted at minji.

"a band would be much cooler! a dj only bobs their head to some random instrument that they probably didn't even play, while a band plays it live!"

"inviting a band would be more expensive, how many people do you even want to invite? five? a dj can only be one person and is much cheaper."

"I can't believe I'm stuck working with you," minji spat out, glaring at y/n.

y/n rolled her eyes. "believe me, the feeling is mutual. the last thing I want to do is spend my free time with someone as annoying as you."

as they continued to work on the project, their conversations became more heated. they argued over everything from the decorations to the music selection to the snacks.

they went as far as to arguing about something childish. minji and y/n had immediately begun bickering over something else. this time, it was about their favorite cartoon characters. minji was obsessed with a popular anime series, while y/n was a fan of a different cartoon.

"I can't believe you like that show," minji said, shaking her head. "it's so boring."

y/n rolled her eyes. "and I can't believe you like that anime. it's so overrated."

their argument continued for a while, with each of them trying to convince the other that their favorite show was better. they even started to take jabs at each other's taste in music and fashion.

"you dress like an old landlord who is so lonely and is abandoned by their own children," y/n argued with minji.

"you literally dress like a heartbroken emo girl that would go on social media and post 'fuck off guys, I'm so emo right now, don't talk to me'," minji retorted, smirking.

their constant bickering about their cartoon preferences made it difficult to make any progress as they both wanted to create a successful school dance. they would argue for hours over childish things and couldn't seem to find any common thing they agreed while working on the school dance.

as time went by, despite their constant bickering, minji and y/n started to realize that they might actually have more in common than they thought. they both had a passion for making the dance a success, and they both wanted to create an atmosphere that would make their classmates happy.

as they were working on the project one day, they were arguing over the type of lights they should use, minji suddenly laughed. "you know, for two people who can't seem to agree on anything, we make a pretty good team."

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