fade away pt.2 (minji x fem reader x hanni)

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minji had missed her friendship with y/n and wanted to make things right between them. she had been hesitant to reach out, but she finally mustered up the courage to send y/n a message.

to her relief, y/n responded positively and they made plans to meet up for lunch.

as they sat down to eat, y/n could sense that something was on minji's mind. she asked her if everything was okay, and minji hesitated for a moment before speaking up.

"i'm sorry for how things went between us. i regret not communicating my feelings earlier and for ignoring you for weeks. i miss our friendship and i want to make things right," minji said.

y/n smiled and replied, "i'm glad you reached out. i miss our friendship too, and i'm willing to give it another chance."

as they caught up on each other's lives, minji couldn't help but feel nervous. she had been carrying a secret for a long time, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to share it.

finally, she gathered the courage to speak up. "y/n, there's something i need to tell you. i've had a crush on you for a long time, and i've never had the courage to say anything."

"minji, i appreciate your honesty, but i have to be honest with you too. i used to have feelings for you in the past, but i've moved on. i'm with hanninow, and i love her, a lot."

minji's heart sank, but she knew that she had to respect y/n's feelings. she nodded and said, "i understand. i just wanted to be honest with you."

y/n reached out and took minji's hand. "i'm glad you were honest with me. and i want you to know that i still value our friendship. it means a lot to me," she said.

minji smiled weakly and replied, "i value our friendship too. i just need some time to process everything."

y/n nodded understandingly, and they finished their lunch in silence. as they said their goodbyes, y/n hugged minji and said, "thank you for being honest with me. i hope we can still be friends."

minji hugged y/n back and whispered, "i hope so too."

as y/n walked away, she couldn't help but feel a little sad. she wished that she could reciprocate minji's feelings, but she knew that she had found something special with hanni.

she hoped that minji would find someone who would love her the way she deserved to be loved.

despite the awkwardness of the conversation, y/n was grateful that minji had been honest with her. she knew that it wasn't easy to confess one's feelings, and she respected minji for taking that risk.

over time, y/n and minji were able to rebuild their friendship.They would hang out and catch up on each other's lives, and they were able to be open and honest with each other.

while y/n's relationship with hanni continued to grow stronger, she knew that her friendship with minji was just as important.

she was grateful for both of them and knew that they had a special place in her heart.


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