brewing crush pt.2 (haerin x fem reader)

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y/n's phone rang as she was walking back. she took it out and saw that it was a text from an unknown number.

hi! this is haerin :) I read your note and I would like to go on a study date with you

y/n's eyes widened and quickly sent a reply.

hi haerin! I didn't expect you to text me this quick
when will you be free?

I'm free any day, just for you

y/n blushed, staring at the text. she scratched the back of her head, unsure of how to flirt back with haerin.

how about 3pm tmr, same cafe


y/n nervously walked to the cafe, excited to finally interact with haerin. she scanned the cafe, her eyes busy looking for haerin.

her face lit up when she spotted her sitting down, fidgeting with her phone in her hand. y/n smiled and walked towards haerin.

"hi," she managed to say.

"hi, y/n," haerin glanced up and placed her phone down.

"so uhm... have you ordered any drinks yet?" y/n asked, taking a seat.

"yeah. I ordered an iced americano for you."

"you remember. how did you even know that's what I always order? the barista told me you would come in early to order that for me."

"I just happened to overhear you once. that's all," haerin replied quietly.

"that's cute," y/n mumbled.


"huh? nothing. I was just talking to myself."

"I think you're cute too," haerin said, making y/n blush.

"so uhm... should we start studying or do you wanna just talk?"

"we could do both at the same time... and I need some help with the math homework."

"of course! I'll help you," y/n exclaimed, standing up and sitting next to haerin. they pulled out their study materials and started studying.

y/n and haerin's hand occasionally brushed against each other's and they would grin at each other.

they were soon done for the day and y/n was getting nervous. she wanted to spend more time with haerin but didn't know how.

"uhm... haerin, do you maybe, want to take a walk with me before going home? I just eant to spend more time with you."

"I would love to take a walk with you," haerin held y/n's hand and pulled her out of the cafe.

as they walked, y/n kept looking down at their intertwined hands.

"I like you," y/n stopped walking and said. "I guess you like me too but I just wanted to say I have had a crush on you for a while now. I would love to get to know you better and perhaps we could go on a proper date next time?"

"I really like you too y/n, and we really should go on a proper date next time," haerin said, smiling widely at y/n. she took a step forward and cupped  y/n's cheeks.

"can I kiss you?" she asked. y/n nodded and they both leaned in to kiss each other enthusiastically.

"I'll see you soon," haerin said as they parted ways.

their hearts were fluttering even as they walked away, and they couldn't wait to see each other again.

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