betrayed (minji x fem reader)

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minji had been waiting in the dorms for a long time. she waited from 6pm till 3am in the morning.

y/n still hadn't come back to the dorm. minji got increasingly worried as the group had a schedule the next day. they would not be able to proceed with it if y/n wasn't present.

finally, the door unlocked and minji rushed to the door, her arms crossed, clearly not looking happy.

"why are you home so late?"

"I was busy," y/n simply replied.

"we have a schedule tomorrow y/n. you can't keep everyone waiting for you tomorrow."

"I'm sorry," y/n shrugged.

"I am your girlfriend too, why the hell would you make me worry about you all night?"

"I said I was busy," y/n replied, annoyed by minji.

minji's eyes narrowed as she stepped closer to y/n, her voice low and intense. "busy doing what, y/n? you can't just disappear without a word and expect everything to be okay."

y/n's expression turned defensive. "I don't have to tell you everything I do."

"you don't have to, but it would be nice to know that you're safe and not in any trouble," minji shot back, her frustration showing.

y/n rolled her eyes and brushed past minji, heading to her room. "whatever, minii. I'm tired, I'm going to wash up."

minji watched her go, her heart heavy with worry and frustration. she knew that y/n was entitled to her privacy, but she couldn't help feeling hurt by the way y/n had dismissed her concerns.

y/n placed her things down at the table and turned away to the showers.

her phone rang and minji, feeling curious, snuck a look.

as minji glanced at y/n's phone, she saw a text message from a name she didn't recognize. the message read, "had great time tonight. can't wait to see you again!"

minji's heart sank as she read the message. her suspicions had been confirmed, and she felt a wave of betrayal wash over her. she couldn't believe that y/n would cheat on her like this.

she quickly composed herself and waited for y/n to come out of the shower. when y/n emerged, minji confronted her.

"who is that person texting you?" she asked, her voice shaking with anger.

"what are you talking about?" y/n replied, looking confused.

"don't play dumb, y/n. I saw the message on your phone. you cheated on me, didn't you?" minji asked, her voice shaking.

y/n's face fell as she realized what message minji was referring to. "I can explain," she started, but minji wasn't having any of it.

"I can't believe you would do this to me, y/n. we've been together for so long and you go and cheat on me like this? how could you be so careless with our relationship?" minji said, tears welling up in her eyes.

y/n tried to approach minji, but minji backed away. "don't touch me," minji said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to hear any excuses. you knew how much I trusted you and you still went behind my back."

out of anger, minji went forward and slapped y/n. her hand trembled as she looked in disbelief at what she just did.

y/n held her burning cheek, her eyes turning dark. she glared at minji and pushed past her into their shared room.

y/n began packing her things, stuffing clothes into a suitcase as fast as she could. minji watched her silently, her heart heavy with sadness and regret.

she knew that there was nothing she could say to change what had happened, but she couldn't bear the thought of losing y/n.

"please don't go," minji finally spoke up, her voice trembling.

y/n stopped packing for a moment, looking up at minji with a mixture of sadness and anger. "I have to," she said firmly.

"y/n, please don't go," minji grabbed y/n's arms and begged.

"get off me!" y/n yelled at minji, shoving her aside.

"you can't go y/n! the group still needs you! I can forgive you for cheating but please don't leave," minji begged continuously, sobbing as she tried grabbing y/n's arms again.

y/n's eyes softened at the thought of the group but she was too blinded by anger. she harshly removed minji's arms, turning her back and leaving.


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