birthday (hyein x fem reader)

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it was hyein's birthday, and she was excited to celebrate it with her girlfriend, y/n. as she got ready for school, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that y/n hadn't mentioned anything about her birthday yet.

she tried to push the thoughts aside and went about her day, hoping that maybe y/n had something planned for later.

when hyein saw y/n at school, she couldn't help but ask, "did you forget something, y/n?"

y/n looked confused. "what do you mean?"

hyein sighed. "do you know what day it is?"

"uhm... it's 21st april, friday?"

"... and?"

"I don't know, hyein. it's just... a friday?"

hyein pouted and sat next to y/n sulkily, waiting for class to start. then she had a random thought that maybe y/n was planning a surprise for her.

as the bell rang for lunch, hyein held y/n'shand and went to the cafeteria. she was excited to see if y/n had planned anything special.

but there was nothing. she was still served the very normal and distasteful lunch.

"do you want to hang out after school?"

"... okay," hyein answered, rolling her eyes. maybe y/n really forgot her birthday.

hyein felt a knot form in her stomach as she walked to her next class, wondering if y/n had really forgotten her birthday. she tried to shake off the feeling, telling herself that maybe y/n was just busy and had something planned for later.

but as the day wore on, hyein couldn't help but feel more and more disappointed. she had been looking forward to celebrating her birthday with y/n, but it seemed like it wasn't going to happen.

after school, hyein met up with y/n, feeling a little hurt but trying not to show it.

"so, what do you want to do?" y/n asked, looking at hyein expectantly.

hyein shrugged. "i don't know. what do you want to do?"

y/n seemed to be deep in thought for a moment, then she said, "let's go for a walk. there's a park nearby that i've been wanting to check out."

hyein agreed, hoping that maybe y/n had something planned after all.

as they walked to the park, hyein tried to keep her hopes up. maybe y/n had planned a surprise party or something. but as they arrived at the park, there was no one there. it was just the two of them.

hyein felt her heart sink. maybe y/n really had forgotten her birthday.

but then, as they walked along the path, hyein saw something in the distance. it was a picnic blanket, surrounded by balloons and flowers.

hyein's eyes widened in surprise as y/n led her towards the blanket.

"happy birthday, hyein!" y/n exclaimed, pulling out a basket filled with all of hyein's favorite foods.

hyein couldn't believe it. y/n had planned a surprise picnic for her birthday after all.

she smiled, feeling tears of happiness welling up in her eyes. "y/n, this is amazing. how did you even plan all of this?"

y/n grinned. "i had a little help from some of our friends. they helped me set everything up while we were in class."

hyein felt overwhelmed with emotion. she couldn't believe how thoughtful and caring y/n was being.

as they ate their picnic lunch, hyein felt more and more grateful for y/n's surprise. they talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company in the beautiful surroundings.

after they finished eating, y/n pulled out a laptop and set it up on the blanket. "i have one more surprise for you," she said.

hyein looked at her curiously as y/n started a movie. it was one of hyein's all-time favorites.

as they cuddled up on the blanket, hyein felt more in love with y/n than ever before. she knew that she was lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend who cared for her so deeply.

as the sun began to set, they packed up the picnic and headed back home. hyein felt a sense of contentment washover her, knowing that she had spent her birthday with the person she loved most in the world.

when they arrived at y/n's apartment, hyein was surprised to find it decorated with streamers and balloons. it was a birthday party, just for the two of them.

y/n had baked a cake and set out presents for hyein. she had even invited some of their friends over for a video call, so they could all celebrate together.

hyein felt overwhelmed with emotion as she blew out the candles on the cake, feeling loved and cherished in a way she never had before.

as they settled in to open presents and chat with their friends, hyein couldn't help but feel grateful for y/n's surprise birthday celebration. it had been the perfect day, filled with surprises and love.

as the night drew to a close, hyein cuddled up with y/n on the couch, feeling content and happy.

"thank you for the best birthday ever, y/n," hyein whispered, kissing her girlfriend on the cheek.

y/n smiled, wrapping her arms around hyein. "anything for you, my love. happy birthday."

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