devotion (minji x fem reader)

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minji was one of the top f1 racers in the country, and her passion for speed had led her to become one of the most fearless drivers on the circuit. y/n had always been in awe of minji's skill and determination, and she loved watching her girlfriend race.

but one day, everything changed. y/n was in the stands, watching as minji's car hurtled around the track at breakneck speed. she could feel the excitement building in her chest as minji closed in on the finish line, but then something went wrong.

in an instant, minji's car skidded off the track and slammed into the barrier, sending debris flying everywhere. y/n's heart leapt into her throat as she watched the accident unfold, unable to tear her eyes away from the carnage.

it felt like an eternity before the medical team arrived, but finally, they pulled minji from the wreckage and rushed her to the hospital. y/n was beside herself with worry as she waited for news on minji's condition.

hours passed before the doctors emerged from the operating room, their faces grim. they told y/n that minji had suffered a serious head injury and that her condition was critical.

y/n felt like the world had been ripped out from under her. she had never felt so helpless, so lost. all she could do was sit by minji's bedside and pray that she would pull through.

days turned to weeks, and y/n spent every moment by minji's side, talking to her, holding her hand, and willing her to wake up.

she was there when minji finally opened her eyes, her gaze unfocused and dazed.

"who are you?" minji asked weakly.

y/n's heart sank. "it's me, y/n," she said, tears streaming down her face. "your girlfriend."

minji looked at her blankly. "I'm sorry, I don't remember you," she said softly.

it was a devastating blow for y/n, but she never gave up on minji. she continued to support her throughout her recovery and beyond, even though minji didn't remember their relationship.

over the next few months, y/n watched as minji struggled to regain her strength, both physically and mentally. it was a difficult road, but y/n never wavered in her commitment to minji.

they talked about everything and nothing, about minji's racing dreams and y/n's own passions. they reminisced about their past adventures and made plans for the future, all while y/n silently hoped that minji would one day remember their love.

but after a while, despite her love for minji, y/n eventually realized that she couldn't continue to be present in minji's life in the same way that she had before.

minji was not getting any better with her memories. she couldn't remember y/n. y/n felt so familiar yet so distant to her.

it was too painful for y/n to be so close to someone she loved so deeply, yet who couldn't remember her or their relationship.

so, with a heavy heart, y/n made the difficult decision to step back from minji's life and support her from afar.

she would still cheer her on from the stands, still send her messages of encouragement, and still hope for minji's success and happiness, but she knew that it was time to let go and give minji the space she needed to heal and move forward.

it was a painful decision, one that left y/n feeling as though a piece of her heart had been torn away. but she knew it was the right thing to do, both for minji and for herself.

she had to put her own needs and well-being first, even if it meant letting go of the person she loved most in the world.

and so, y/n watched from afar as minji continued to race, still filled with a sense of hope and love for the woman who had captured her heart.

she knew that their paths might never cross again in the same way, but she was grateful for the time they had shared, and for the memories that would always live on in her heart.

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