attract (newjeans x fem reader)

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y/n had always been known for her captivating gaze. she had a magnetic energy that drew people towards her, and she had noticed that many women were particularly drawn to her.

little did she know, a group of five women had been admiring her from afar and were all attracted to her piercing gaze and soft lips.

one day, y/n found herself in a coffee shop alone. she noticed five girls staring at her. she glanced at them and when they noticed her looking, they made their was to her.

"hi, can we sit with you?" one of the girls asked. y/n nodded, feeling awkward. they sat in silence as y/n scrolled on her phone. she then noticed that the girls were all staring at her.

"let me introduce ourselves. I'm minji, this is hanni, danielle, haerin, and hyein... we decoded to sit with you because we found you attractive. we've been staring, you know."

"yeah, I've noticed," y/n answered. she thought minji was very bold to be saying that to her. "I'm y/n by the way."

"nice to meet you, y/n," minji said with a smile. "we don't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything, we just couldn't resist coming over to say hi."

y/n smiled back, feeling a little more at ease. "it's okay. I'm just not used to this many people being so upfront about their attraction to me at once."

"well, we're not most people," danielle chimed in with a grin. "we know what we want and we go for it."

"I know for sure I like her eyes. the way she looked at us earlier..." the girl named hyein spoke. the girl beside her, haerin nudged her a bit, reminding her that y/n was right in front of them.

"I can't stop staring at her lips... so full with that distinct cupid's bow..." the girl named hanni said.

"it's driving me crazy," minji blurted out, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

the rest of the group looked at minji in shock, but then they all started to confess their own feelings.

y/n smiled, flattered by their confessions.

"I know we just met... but would you like to go on a date with us?"

"all of you?"

"yes, all of us."

y/n paused for a moment before saying, "I'm really flattered by your interest in me and I think it could be fun to get to know all of you. so yes, I would love to go on a date with you all."

the rest of the group let out a cheer, and they all leaned in for a group hug.

hanni had pulled away from the hug and turned to y/n. their faces were close, their lips almost touching.

y/n felt a flutter in her stomach as she looked into hanni's eyes. she could see the desire and excitement in them. Hesitating for a moment, she leaned in and pressed her lips softly against Hanni's.

the kiss was brief but electrifying, and Y/n could feel the intensity of the moment as the other girls looked on with smiles on their faces. pulling away, y/n smiled at hanni and said, "I think this is going to be a really fun date."

hanni smiled back, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I can't wait."

the other girls couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy as they watched. they just agreed on a group date together, and now hanni was stealing a moment with her. they tried not to show their emotions, but their gazes shifted nervously as they watched the two kiss.

the group fell into an awkward silence as they all tried to process what had just happened. haerin cleared her throat and spoke up, trying to break the tension.

"you just couldn't wait, huh?"

"well, it looks like we have a lot to plan for our date," she said with a forced smile. "Let's exchange numbers and figure out the details," minji spoke up, trying to ease the rising tension.

the other girls nodded, still staring at y/n and hanni with a mixture of jealousy and curiosity. they all exchanged numbers, and y/n couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous about what was to come.

new book 😍😍

this is skizland here and if you don't read this i'll be in your walls 👹👹👹👹👹👹

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this is skizland here and if you don't read this i'll be in your walls 👹👹👹👹👹👹

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