milk (haerin x fem reader)

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y/n had her head buried in her books. this was due to the exam season and y/n really wanted to do well.

she had her earphones in, her glasses on and was spinning the pen in her hand as she scanned her revision notes.

y/n was so focused on her notes and didn't realise that someone was standing in front of her desk.

the person knocked a few times on her desk before y/n looked up, removing an earphone from her ear immediately.

her heart did a somersault as she realised who it was.

haerin had her head cutely tilted and was staring at y/n with a smile. she hardly smiled and y/n was in awe at how pretty and cute she was being.

"hi," haerin started the conversation.

"hi," y/n replied, unsure as to why haerin was even talking to her.

haerin had one hand to her back. she moved her hand forward, revealing a small carton of milk.

y/n looked at her, confused.

"I noticed you have been studying here all day and even skipped lunch. I thought I'd buy you some milk to cheer you up a bit," haerin quietly explained.

y/n turned red at how sweet haerin was being to her.

"th-thanks," y/n managed to stutter out. she made herself look like a fool in front of haerin. haerin giggled at y/n's reaction and y/n felt embarrassed by it.

"why are you so red, y/n?" haerin asked, her smile widening.

y/n can hardly contain the excitement at how cute haerin was.

"nothing," y/n answered and looked down at her notes.

she looked up again as she felt haerin pushing the milk carton towards her.

"good luck with the exams y/n. I won't disturb you anymore, my little genius," haerin said. she leaned in and gave y/n a peck on the cheek, surprising y/n.

she smiled at y/n and left, leaving y/n blushing and holding her cheek.

"my...?" y/n smiled to herself.


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