only pt.3 (haerin x fem reader)

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haerin knew she had to act quickly. the thought of losing y/n forever was unbearable. determination surged through her, and she wiped away her tears, steeling herself for the daunting task that lay ahead.

using all her survival instincts, haerin devised a plan. carefully, yet swiftly, she tied y/n's limbs, ensuring her safety during their perilous journey. the knots were firm but not constricting, a delicate balance between securing y/n and preserving her comfort.

struggling under the weight of her emotions and the physical strain of dragging y/n's limp body, haerin embarked on a treacherous journey through the desolate streets. each step was a testament to her unwavering love and unwavering resolve.

haunted by the eerie moans of nearby zombies, haerin's senses were on high alert. she darted from shadow to shadow, her heart pounding with each close encounter. her only focus was y/n's well-being, her unwavering determination driving her forward.

after what felt like an eternity, haerin's perseverance paid off. she stumbled upon a fortified military checkpoint, guarded by a stern-faced soldier who eyed them with suspicion.

"please," haerin pleaded, her voice quivering with urgency. "she's not like the others. she's... she's my lover. we need someone who can help her, a scientist, a doctor."

the soldier's gaze softened, curiosity mingling with caution. haerin's earnestness and the vulnerability in her eyes struck a chord within them.

reluctantly, the soldier motioned for them to follow. a glimmer of hope ignited in haerin's chest as she led y/n, still bound, through the checkpoint and into the safety of the military base.

inside, skeptical scientists donning white lab coats awaited their arrival. haerin's heart raced, her words tumbling out with urgency and desperation. she explained the dire situation, emphasizing the unique immunity coursing through her veins.

but the scientists, accustomed to the horrors of the infected, were cautious. they insisted on quarantining y/n, fearing the potential danger she posed to others. haerin's heart sank, realizing that their battle was far from over.

days turned into agonizing nights as haerin endured a battery of tests, her blood drawn repeatedly, her physical and mental resilience pushed to its limits. yet, through it all, her unwavering determination remained unscathed.

a breakthrough came when the scientists discovered the unexpected immunity residing within haerin's blood. she was the missing puzzle piece they had been desperately searching for—a potential key to unraveling the secrets of the virus.

with a sense of cautious optimism, the scientists released haerin from her solitary confinement. a sense of purpose fueled her every step as she made her way to y/n's location within the base.

but what she witnessed shattered her heart. y/n, now in her human form, was neglected and mistreated by the scientists. their disregard for her well-being incited a furious fire within haerin.

determined to right this injustice, haerin confronted the scientists, demanding immediate access to y/n's side. her voice quivered with righteous indignation, fueled by the love that burned fiercely within her heart.

initially resistant, the scientists were taken aback by haerin's unwavering resolve and the undeniable bond shared between her and y/n. they relented, granting haerin permission to be by y/n's side once more.

as haerin rushed into y/n's presence, emotions overwhelmed them both. tearful embraces spoke volumes, conveying love, relief, and the weight of their shared journey. in that moment, words were unnecessary as their hearts connected in a profound understanding.

witnessing this powerful display of love, the scientists marveled at the resilience of the human spirit. they praised haerin's unwavering bravery and proclaimed her a hero, recognizing the potential magnitude of her sacrifice.

in haerin's embrace, y/n found solace, their hearts overflowing with love and relief. haerin gently brushed a strand of hair away from y/n's face, their eyes locked in an intimate gaze.

"i love you," haerin whispered, her voice filled with raw emotion. "i missed you every second we were apart."

y/n's lips curved into a tender smile. "i love you too, haerin," she murmured, her voice barely above a breath. "i missed you more than words can express."

unable to contain their longing any longer, they closed the remaining distance between them and their lips met in a passionate kiss. it was a culmination of a journey filled with pain, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion. in that moment, time stood still as their connection deepened, sealing their bond even tighter.

the world around them faded into the background as they poured all their love and longing into that kiss, reaffirming their commitment to each other and celebrating the triumph of their love over adversity. it was a testament to the strength of their spirits and the power of their connection.

as they slowly pulled away, their foreheads resting against each other, a profound sense of peace settled within their hearts. they knew that together, they could face anything that came their way, armed with the unbreakable bond they shared.

in the backdrop of the military base, the scientists watched the reunion, their eyes shining with awe and gratitude. they, too, understood the enormity of what haerin had achieved—a love that had the power to save the world.

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