home (hanni x fem reader)

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hanni sat at a small table in the corner of the café, fidgeting with her hands as she waited for her coffee to arrive. she glanced around, taking in the quiet chatter and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. her eyes landed on a girl who was sitting a few tables away, her back turned towards her. the girl looked familiar, but hanni couldn't quite place her.

as if sensing hanni's gaze, the girl turned around, and hanni's heart skipped a beat. it was y/n, her ex-girlfriend.

hanni and y/n had been in a relationship during their college days, but they had broken up abruptly, leaving things unresolved between them. hanni had always thought of reaching out to y/n, but fear and anxiety had held her back.

now, seeing y/n again after all these years, hanni felt a mix of emotions. she was happy to see her, but also nervous and apprehensive.

y/n's eyes widened as she saw hanni, and she quickly looked away, busying herself with her phone.

hanni debated whether she should go over and say hi, but she couldn't bring herself to move. Instead, she sat there, sipping her coffee, stealing glances at y/n every now and then.

minutes passed, and neither of them spoke. hanni's mind raced, trying to find something to say, but all she could think of were awkward apologies and explanations.

y/n finally looked up from her phone and caught hanni's gaze. they locked eyes for a moment, and hanni felt a glimmer of hope.

"hi," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"hi," y/n replied, her voice equally soft.

there was a long pause before hanni spoke again. "how have you been?"

y/n shrugged. "I've been okay. what about you?"

"I'm good too," hanni said, unsure of what else to say.

y/n was looking at the ground as another awkward silence settled between them, and hanni could feel her palms growing sweaty. hanni knew that she had to say something, anything to break the tension.

"I was thinking of going to the park later. do you want to come with me?" hanni blurted out, surprising herself with her own boldness.

y/n looked surprised but after a brief hesitation, she nodded. "sure. why not?"

they left the café together, walking in silence towards the park. hanni was acutely aware of y/n's presence next to her, the way her hair swayed in the breeze and the way her hand twitched by her side.

they reached the park, and hanni led y/n to a quiet corner, away from the noise and people. they sat down on the grass, the silence between them growing louder.

"I'm sorry," hanni finally said, breaking the silence. "for the way things ended between us. I should have been more honest with you."

y/n looked at her, her expression softening. "it's okay. it's been a long time, and we were both young and foolish."

"you're not mad at me?" hanni asked, her eyes shining brightly with her head cutely tilted to the side.

y/n shook her head, smiling softly. "no, I'm not mad at you," she said, reaching out to take hanni's hand in hers.

hanni's heart fluttered at the touch, and she squeezed y/n's hand gently. "I just wanted to make sure," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

they stared at each other for a bit before hanni cleared her throat.

"I have always regretted the way things ended between us. I've always wanted to talk to you, to apologize properly," hanni said.

y/n smiled, and hanni felt a warmth spreading through her chest. "I forgive you," y/n said, and hanni felt tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. y/n then let go of hanni's hand and gently wiped her tears off.

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