cat pt.2 (haerin x fem reader)

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haerin couldn't stop thinking about y/n. she couldn't stop thinking about her words and how pretty she was.

she finally got a chance to walk down the same alley when she ended another dance practice late. she walked down the alley, hoping to see y/n.

"it's not safe to always be walking here." haerin turned around to see y/n, holding onto a bag of cat food.

"oh! y/n-ah!"


"yeah, I thought we would speak casually."

"I'm a year older than you."

"oh. so... y/n unnie?"

"okay, that makes me kinda uncomfortable. just call me whatever."

"okay," haerin said and followed y/n to the kitten. she stood there awkwardly, watching as y/n prepared a meal for the kitten.

"why don't you just adopt it?"

"I don't know. I don't think I'm ready for that kind of responsibility. but I don't want the kitten to stay out on the streets though... I'm kinda contradicting myself, am I?"

"no. it's really sweet that you care. you're already doing a lot by feeding them."

y/n smiled at haerin, feeling grateful for her understanding.

"thanks, haerin. you're right. I should keep taking care of this kitten and maybe think about adopting it in the future," y/n said, stroking the kitten's fur.

haerin nodded, feeling a sense of relief. she was glad that y/n wasn't put off by her suggestion. they stood in silence again. "you know what, it's kinda late, I should go," y/n spoke up.

haerin didn't want the conversation to end. "would you mind walking me home?" she boldly asked y/n. y/n didn't hesitate and agreed to walk her home, much to haerin's delight.

as they walked, they found out that they lived in the same building. y/n lived a floor below haerin's. haerin couldn't help but think it was fate.

haerin then started inviting y/n over to her apartment, in hopes to spend more time with her.

y/n was starstruck to meet minji, hanni, danielle, and hyein. she couldn't contain her excitement.

then, haerin noticed y/n had been getting closer to danielle. they always sat together and talked. she knew danielle always displayed affection openly but it threw her off that y/n accepted it that easily.

her jealousy grew and she tried to ignore her feelings. her feelings for y/n was growing rapidly.

one day, she could not take it anymore. when she was alone with y/n, she confessed.

"y/n, I don't know if you feels the same way, but, I really like you," she said, her heart racing.

"haerin, I really like you too. I thought you knew."

"what? you always hang out with danielle though."

"that's because we are the same age... and she kinda knew I like you too..."

haerin grinned widely at y/n's response, and she jumped into y/n's arms. they hugged each other tightly.

they went on dates after. the newjeans members were not even surprised when they announced they were together.

"y/n, come in," haerin pulled y/n into her room.

"wha- wait... is that...?"

"yes! I took him to a vet and adopted him, for you," she said, carrying the kitten and handing him to y/n.

"haerin... I don't know what to say..."

"we can raise him together. you don't have to bear the responsibility alone. so, what should we name him?"

"hmm... how about lucky? he is lucky to have us as his parents."

"lucky it is."

haerin watched as y/n hugged the kitten close to her chest. she loved y/n for her gentle and caring nature towards animals.

"I love you."

"I love you too, y/n."

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