darkest place (minji x fem reader)

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y/n sat alone in the bar. she was devastated and drunk. she was feeling incredibly upset and alone.

she had been hopelessly in love with minji for a long time, but now that minji was with hanni and happy, y/n felt like a burden to both of them. she had been drinking at the bar, drowning her sorrows, and now she stumbled out onto the street, feeling lost.

as she walked unsteadily down to sidewalk to her car, she thought about how much she had invested in her feelings for minji.

y/n had been so focused on her own desires that she had lost sight of the fact that minji was her own person, with her own wants and needs. she had been so convinced that she was meant to be with minji that she had never stopped to consider whether that was what minji wanted too.

now that minji was with someone else, y/n felt like she had been foolish to hold onto her feelings for so long. she knew that she had no right to interfere with minji's happiness, but it still hurt to see her with someone else.

as she walked alone through the city, y/n felt a mix of emotions. she was grateful for the memories she had shared with minji, but also regretful that she had never been able to express her feelings in a way that was healthy and respectful.

she knew that it was time to move on, to focus on her own life and her own goals, and to let minji live hers without interference.

y/n's heart felt heavy as she walked, but with each step, she just felt worse. a second choice, she felt, that was what she was to minji.

she drunkenly made her way to her car, she fumbled with her car keys, unlocking it.

she got in and shut the door. then, she started the engine, and drove out to the street. she laughed, feeling pathetic and lonely.

she sped up, not caring about the cars honking at her. life was meaningless to her anyway.

out of nowhere, a truck appeared, speeding down the lane and crashing into her car.


y/n opened her eye, her vision blur. her eyes widened as she noticed minji there, with hanni.

"what's going on? why am I in the hospital?!" y/n's voice was hoarse as she spoke, tears streaming down her face. "i don't want to be here anymore. i can't take this pain anymore. i just want to go."

hanni and minji looked at each other, their expressions filled with concern and love. they knew that y/n was in a dark place, and that she needed their support now more than ever.

"y/n, please don't talk like that," minji said gently, taking y/n's hand. "you have so much to live for, so much to experience. you'll find someone who loves you for who you are, someone who cherishes you and makes you feel whole."

y/n shook her head, feeling like she would never find that kind of love. "but what if i don't? what if i'm just meant to be alone forever?"

hanni put a hand on y/n's shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile. "you won't be alone, y/n. we'll be here for you, no matter what. and there are so many people out there who would be lucky to have you in their lives. you're kind, and funny, and beautiful. you deserve to be loved, and you will be."

y/n couldn't stop the tears from flowing as she looked at her friends. she felt overwhelmed by their kindness and support, and grateful for the love they had shown her even when she felt unlovable.

"thank you," y/n whispered, feeling her heart begin to open up again. "thank you for being here, for believing in me. i don't know where i'd be without you."

minji and hanni hugged her tightly, holding her close. y/n felt a sense of warmth and comfort as she leaned into them, knowing that she was not alone in her struggles.

she knew that the road ahead would be tough, but with her friends by her side, she felt like she could face anything. she was determined to keep moving forward, to find happiness and fulfillment in her own way, and to cherish the love and support of those who mattered most to her.


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