unrequited (minji x fem reader)

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minji and y/n had been best friends since elementary school. y/n had always secretly harbored feelings for minji since high school, but minji had a crush on someone else and would often talk about them to y/n.

"y/n, have you seen the new girl in our class? she's so cute! I think I might have a crush on her," minji would say excitedly.

y/n would try her best to hide her disappointment and encourage minji to pursue her crush. it hurt to see minji pine after someone else when y/n had feelings for her, but she didn't want to ruin their friendship by confessing her love.

years went by, and minji continued to have crushes on various people, always confiding in y/n about her feelings. y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of longing, knowing that she would never be the one that minji saw in a romantic light.

but then, seven years after they graduated high school, y/n met someone new. her name was hanni, and she was kind, funny, and beautiful. y/n felt herself falling for hanni more and more with each passing day.

one day, y/n and minji were hanging out at a park when minji asked, "so, y/n, have you been seeing anyone lately?"

y/n's heart raced as she thought about hanni. she wasn't ready to tell minji about her new relationship, not when she was still struggling with her unrequited feelings. "no, not really. just focusing on work and stuff," y/n replied, trying to sound casual.

minji nodded, looking a bit disappointed. "oh, i was just curious. I thought maybe you had finally found someone who was good enough for you."

y/n's heart sank at the implication that minji didn't think anyone she dated before was good enough for her. but she didn't want to dwell on it. "I'm happy with where I'm at right now. what about you, minji? any crushes lately?"

minji grinned, her eyes lighting up. "actually, yes! there's this girl at work who's been catching my eye. I think I might ask her out soon."

y/n tried her best to put on a brave face and be happy for minji. "that's great, minji! I hope it works out for you."

as they parted ways later that day, y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. she had finally accepted that minji would never see her in a romantic light, but it still hurt to know that minji had feelings for someone else.

but as time went on, y/n found herself falling more and more in love with hanni. hanni made her feel seen and loved in a way that no one else ever had.

eventually, y/n decided it was time to move on from her unrequited love for minji. she couldn't keep holding onto something that wasn't there. and when she finally told minji about hanni, she was surprised at how happy and supportive minji was.

"I'm so happy for you, y/n! you deserve to be with someone who makes you happy," minji said with a smile.

y/n felt a weight lifted off her shoulders as she realized that her friendship with minji was still as strong as ever, even if they would never be more than friends. and with hanni by her side, y/n knew that she had found the person she was meant to be with.

guys I have a new story idea for hanni and a fem oc 😏😏

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