cat (haerin x fem reader)

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haerin had just finished up a late night dance practice session and was walking home when she saw someone lurking in the shadows.

she immediately assumed the worst and attacked the person, thinking she was stopping a pervert.

"you pervert!" she yelled as she hit them with her handbag.

"stop hitting me! i'm not a pervert!"

"get lost!" haerin yelled and the person helplessly ran away.

the next day, haerin noticed the same person again. this time, the person was not lurking around and was however squatting down and doing something.

"hey, pervert! get lost," she yelled as she ran up to them. the person immediately ran as they recognised haerin's voice.

the same thing happened over and over again and haerin couldn't understand why the pervert would not leave the neighbourhood and constantly went around squatting at people's house.

one night, she saw the pervert again. they were squatting as always and haerin rolled her eyes, tired of yelling at them to stay away.

instead, she pulled out her phone and quietly tiptoed her way to them.

she shut her eyes tight, not wanting to see what the pervert was doing.

"are you eating well?" she heard them say. she slowly opened her eyes as she was behind them.

the person was patting a kitten gently, feeding them food and milk.

"you're so cute. you know, i almost couldn't come for a few days because this cat looking lady kept calling me a pervert. i tried explaining but she always beat me up and yelled at me. now i finally get to feed you. i should probably go before she gets back."

as y/n stood up and turned around, she screamed when she noticed haerin. haerin, frightened by her scream, let out a yelp.

"holy shit," y/n said, getting ready to sprint off.

"wait! i'm not here to beat you up."

"... you are not?" y/n asked as she pulled off her hood.

"woah, you're a girl... a pretty one," haerin said, mumbling the last part.

"did you think i was a guy?"

"yes. you dress in all black and you look like a guy lurking around here."

"how i dress does not matter. i like black and its cold at night so, yeah."

haerin stepped forward and y/n took a step back defensively.

"i'm not going to beat you up. i'm just sorry for mistaking you as a pervert."

"oh. apology accepted. just don't go around beating people up next time. you wouldn't want a viral video going around titled 'newjeans haerin beats up random person on the street'."

"of course not- wait. you recognise me?"

"yeah, duh. your face is literally all over the country and on the internet."

"and youare not freaking out?"

"maybe not now. but i would be if i went home. or if we met at an official event, but right now, you're just a human being, going home from work. and i don't want to tire you out."

haerin was impressed by how well spoken y/n was. they stood there in silence for a bit, watching the kitten lick its food.

"what's its name?"

"i haven't thought of one yet," y/n answered as she watched the kitten eat with a smile on her face.

"i'm really sorry for mistaking you as a pervert."

"it's fine, haerin-ssi... oh! it's kinda late. i gotta go."

"wait, what's your name?"

"y/n," y/n turned back and said before running off.

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