letting go (minji x fem reader)

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minji sat alone in her apartment, scrolling through old photos on her phone. she couldn't help but feel a pang of regret as she looked at the pictures of her and y/n, smiling and laughing together. it had been years since they had seen each other, and minji knew that it was her fault.

y/n had pursued her for years - always trying to win her over, always there for her. but minji had been too scared to take the leap, too worried that she would end up hurting y/n in the end.

and so she had pushed her away, telling her that they could never be together.

but now, as she looked back on those years, she realised that she had made a mistake. y/n was everything she had ever wanted in a partner - kind, loving, and fiercely loyal. and yet, she had let her slip away.

she picked up her phone, wanting to call y/n and tell her how sorry she was. but she knew it was too late - y/n had moved on, found someone else to love. and who could blame her? minji had strung her along for too long, never giving her the commitment she deserved.

tears welled up in minji's eyes as she thought about what could have been. she had let her fear and insecurities get in the way of true love, and now she was paying the price. she didn't know if she would ever find someone like y/n again -someone who would fight for her, someone who would never give up on her.

it was only when she had lost contact with y/n that she realized how much she had missed her. she remembered the conversations they had, the way y/n would always be there for her, even when she didn't deserve it. she remembered the way y/n would make her laugh, the way she would hold her when she was feeling down.

and now, it was too late. y/n had moved on, and there was no going back. minji knew that she had hurt her deeply, and that she could never make it up to her. but she couldn't help but feel a sense of regret - a sense of what could have been.

as she sat there, lost in her thoughts, her phone buzzed. it was a message from y/n.

"hey, it's been a while. how are you?"

minji's heart raced as she read the message. she didn't know what to say - she didn't know if she was ready to face y/n again.

"i'm okay. how about you?" she typed out.

"i'm good, thanks for asking. listen, i know it's been a while, but i was wondering if we could meet up sometime. catch up?"

minji hesitated before responding. she knew that she had to face y/n eventually, but she didn't know if she was ready for it.

"sure, that sounds good.when were you thinking?"

"how about tomorrow at the cafe we used to go to? same time?"

"okay, i'll see you there," minji replied, feeling both excited and nervous.

as she walked into the cafe the next day, minji felt her heart race as she saw y/n sitting at a table in the corner. it had been years since they had seen each other, and minji didn't know what to expect.

y/n stood up as she saw her approach, a small smile on her face. "minji, it's good to see you," she said, embracing her in a warm hug.

"you too, y/n," minji replied, feeling a sense of comfort in her arms.

they sat down and ordered their drinks, and for a while, they talked about their lives in general - their jobs, their families, their hobbies. but eventually, the conversation turned to their past relationship.

"y/n, i just want to say that i'm sorry for how things ended between us. i know i hurt you, and i regret it every day," minji said, her voice filled with regret.

y/n looked at her, her expression unreadable. "it's okay, minji. i've moved on," she said, taking a sip of her coffee.

"i know, but i just can't help but feel like i made a mistake. i should have taken a chance on us, on you. i was too scared, and i let my fear get in the way of what could have been something amazing," minji said, her voice filled with emotion.

y/n looked at her, her eyes softening. "i wanted to be with you, minji. i loved you so much, but you just kept pushing me away. i couldn't take it anymore," she said, her voice tinged with sadness.

"i know, and i'm so sorry. i was a fool to let you go," minji said, reaching across the table to take y/n's hand.

y/n pulled her hand away, her eyes filling with tears. "it's too late, minji. i've moved on. i can't go back to the way things were," she said, her voice breaking.

minji felt a sense of sadness wash over her as she realized that y/n was right. she had let her go, and now she had to live with the consequences of her actions.

"i understand, y/n. i just want you to know that i'm sorry. i regret letting you go, and i wish i could make it up to you," minji said, her voice filled with sincerity.

y/n looked at her, a hint of forgiveness in her eyes. "i forgive you, minji. but we can never be together again. it's just too late. i'm happy now," she said, her voice filled with finality.

minji felt her heart shatter as she realized that she had lost y/n forever. she had let her fear and insecurities get in the way of true love, and now she was paying the price.

she knew that she would never find someone like y/n again - someone who had loved her so unconditionally, someone who had fought for her even when she didn't deserve it.

as they said their goodbyes and parted ways, minji couldn't help but feel a sense of regret and sadness. she had let go of someone who had meant so much to her, and now she was left with nothing but memories and what-ifs.

she knew that she could never make it up to y/n, but she vowed to never let fear stand in the way of love again. she would learn from her mistakes and never take someone for granted again.

as she walked away from the cafe, minji thought back to all the times she had pushed y/n away, all the times she had been too scared to take a chance on love. and she knew that she would never make the same mistake again.

she looked up at the sky, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. she knew that she would always regret letting y/n go, but she also knew that she had to learn to live with it. she would never forget y/n, but she knew that it was time to move on and start a new chapter in her life.

and maybe, just maybe, someday she would find someone who wouldlove her just as fiercely as y/n had - someone who would never give up on her, someone who would fight for her. but until then, she would carry the memory of y/n in her heart, as a reminder of what could have been.


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