be my girlfriend pt.2 (haerin x fem reader)

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over the next few weeks, haerin and y/n spent time together as a fake couple in order to convince everyone that haerin and danielle were broken up.

after the kiss, the both of them started hating each other less. although, they still got into petty arguments.

despite their petty arguments, they spent a lot of time together. they had lunch together and went out on fake dates.

"hey, y/n," haerin said as they were eating.

"we should hold our hands more often, in school and outside."

"why should we do that outside?"

"just in case someone from school sees us."

"okay then... I don't mind holding hands..."

"I thought you were gonna say 'ew'."

"I'm not that mean. I agreed to help you, so I'll do whatever."

"thanks y/n," haerin exclaimed and planted a kiss on y/n's cheeks. she pulled away quickly and blushed at her own action.

"I gotta go," y/n jumped out of her seat.

"m-me too!"

they started to display more affection in public. people started believing that they were really dating.

then, haerin caught eye of y/n flirting with hanni. her heart sank as she watched y/n laugh with hanni.

"what's going on?" she asked as she approached them.

"hmm? we're just talking," hanni answered her, still smiling at y/n.

"y/n, we need to talk."

"uhm... okay."

before she even got to say goodbye to hanni, haerin pulled her away to the rooftop.

"what's going on, haerin?"

"I don't like it when you flirt with others."

"why? are you jealous?" y/n asked teasingly.

"yes! very! and you're supposed to be my girlfriend!" she yelled. y/n took a step back, shocked by her sudden outburst.

"it's not like we're really dating..."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but y/n... I'm in love with you. I don't want this to be fake anymore. I want it real."

"I... I don't know what to say."

"yeah, I know you're not in love with me. I just wanted to say it, and get it off my chest."

y/n chuckled at haerin's sad face.

"don't laugh! I didn't even expect this to happen."

"then did you expect this?" y/n asked, pulling haerin close. she leaned in and pecked her lips gently.


"I can't believe I'm saying this too, but I'm in love with you too."


"shocking, I know. but I guess, feelings cannot be controlled."

without warning, haerin jumped onto y/n and wrapped her legs around her waist. they looked into each other's eyes before kissing again.

"let's go on a date for real."


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