my sunshine (danielle x fem reader)

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as the sun peeked through the curtains, danielle stirred from her sleep and felt the warmth of her girlfriend, y/n, beside her. she reached out to touch y/n's forehead and gasped as she felt the heat radiating from her skin.

"oh no, my poor baby," danielle cooed, leaning in to give y/n a soft kiss on the cheek. "you have a fever. you need to rest."

y/n stirred slightly, her eyes barely open. "i'll be fine, i can go to school," she insisted, trying to sit up.

but danielle was having none of it. "no way, you're staying in bed and i'm taking care of you," she said, placing a gentle hand on y/n's shoulder to keep her from moving.

y/n pouted, but she knew that danielle was right. she had been feeling unwell for a few days now, and her fever wasn't going down. she watched as danielle got up from the bed and headed to the kitchen.

"i'm making you some soup," danielle called out from the kitchen. "it'll make you feel better, i promise."

y/n smiled weakly, feeling grateful for danielle's care. she knew that danielle had a busy day ahead of her, with school and her part-time job, but she was putting everything on hold to take care of her.

danielle then entered the room again and she placed a wet towel on her forehead, trying to bring down y/n's fever.

y/n laid in bed, feeling bored. she then snuck out and went to find danielle in the kitchen.

y/n wrapped her arms around danielle from behind, resting her cheek on danielle's shoulder. "thank you for taking care of me," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

danielle turned around to face y/n, her heart swelling with love. "of course, my love," she said, cupping y/n's cheek with her hand. "i'll always take care of you."

y/n smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. as danielle finished cooking the soup, she set it down for y/n, who drank the whole thing. danielle couldn't help but smile at how cute y/n looked, with her rosy cheeks and sleepy eyes.

after y/n finished her soup, danielle made her take her medicine, and then she tucked her into bed. she held y/n's hand, caressing her fingers gently, and watched as y/n drifted off to sleep.

as y/n slept, danielle kissed her forehead and cuddled with her, holding her close. she whispered sweet nothings into y/n's ear, telling her how much she loved her, and how she would do anything to make her feel better.

"are you going to skip school because of me?" y/n asked, feeling guilty that danielle was skipping class for her.

"you're my little angel," danielle said softly, pressing a kiss onto y/n's temple. "i'll always be here for you, no matter what. it doesn't matter if I skip school or not."

y/n smiled in her sleep, feeling safe and loved in danielle's embrace. she knew that she was lucky to have someone as caring and kind as danielle in her life.


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