best friend pt.2 (haerin x fem reader)

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y/n and haerin barely talked after the awkward indirect confession. y/n found it weird that haerin always avoided talking about love with her.

and the way she always called her best friend made y/n feel worse.

she wanted to be with haerin, but haerin was always so guarded.

y/n walked along the school hallway, trying to find haerin. haerin seemed to be avoiding her and y/n wanted to talk.

then, she spotted haerin in the library. she excitedly walked towards her, only to realise she was talking to minji.

she quickly hid behind a shelf, and unintentionally eavesdropped them.

"unnie, you don't understand how much she means to me," y/n heard haerin say. who was she referring to?

"haerin, if you don't confess, you're just ruining your relationship even more. I heard from danielle that you always avoid her whenever she mentions she loves you? she is basically telling you that she wants to be with you!"

"I don't know... she does always say that to me... but what if she just thinks of me as her friend, and loves me as a friend?"

"look, best friends don't say I love you. they only say it when they are in love. y/n is basically telling you she is in love with you."

"I thought she meant it in a friendly way!"

"are you stupid?"

"no... maybe... yes... I don't know. I always tell her I love her as a best friend."

"what?! are you crazy?"

as y/n tried to lean in to hear more of their conversation, she accidentally knocked over a pile of books with her elbow, causing them to crash loudly onto the floor.

y/n froze, feeling her face turn red as she desperately tried to pick up the books and put them back on the shelf. but in her haste, she only made things worse, causing more books to fall and scatter across the floor.

haerin and minji turned around, looking surprised and slightly amused at the commotion. y/n tried to play it cool, laughing nervously as she tried to gather up the fallen books.

"oops, my bad," y/n said, trying to cover up her embarrassing mistake. "i guess i got a little too excited to see you guys."

haerin smiled, walking over to help y/n pick up the books. "it's okay, y/n. accidents happen."

but as they worked to clean up the mess, haerin took y/n's hand and pulled her away from the shelf.

"let's go talk somewhere else," haerin said, looking serious.

y/n felt a sense of dread as they left the library, wondering if haerin was going to confront her about eavesdropping. but as they sat down at a nearby bench, haerin looked at y/n with a mix of nervousness and affection.

"y/n, i've been thinking about what minji said earlier," haerin began. "and i realized that i've been avoiding talking about my feelings for you because i was scared of losing our friendship. but the truth is, i can't deny how much i care about you."

y/n's heart raced as she listened to haerin's confession. "haerin, i feel the same way. i've been so confused and scared to tell you how i feel, but i can't ignore my feelings anymore."

haerin smiled, taking y/n's hand in hers. "then let's not ignore them. y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

y/n's heart swelled with happiness as she leaned in to kiss haerin. it was a sweet, tender kiss that conveyed all of the love and affection they had been hiding for so long.

as they pulled away, haerin grinned. "i guess we have a lot to talk about now, huh?"

y/n laughed, feeling a sense of relief and joy wash over her. "yeah, i think we do."

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