cuddles (haerin x fem reader)

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as the day drew to a close and the moon cast its gentle glow, y/n felt the weariness settling in, making their limbs heavy and their eyes droopy. seeking solace and comfort, they made their way to where haerin was relaxing on the couch, engrossed in a book.

y/n approached haerin with a slight pout, their voice laced with a touch of playfulness. "haerin, i'm so sleepy. can we cuddle, pretty please?"

haerin raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "hmm, i don't know. you've been asking for cuddles all day. maybe i should make you work for it this time," she teased, enjoying the adorable desperation in y/n's expression.

y/n's pout deepened, and they let out a whine. "but haerin, i really need your warmth and snuggles. you're my favorite pillow," they pleaded, giving haerin their best puppy-dog eyes.

haerin tried to maintain her playful façade, but seeing y/n's adorable pout and hearing their pleas proved to be irresistible. she couldn't resist their charms for long. "alright, alright," she relented, unable to deny y/n's request any longer. "let's go to our room for some cozy cuddle time."

a triumphant smile broke out on y/n's face as they eagerly followed haerin to their room. they settled onto the bed, and haerin wrapped her arms around y/n, pulling them close.

as they snuggled together, y/n nuzzled their face against haerin's chest, inhaling her comforting scent. haerin gently ran her fingers through y/n's hair, soothing them with each stroke. she could feel the tension melting away from y/n's body.

"haerin, your touch is like magic," y/n murmured, their voice filled with a sense of tranquility.

haerin smiled softly, her heart swelling with affection. "you're the one who brings magic into my life, y/n. your presence alone brightens up my days."

y/n let out a contented sigh and closed their eyes, savoring the warmth and security of haerin's embrace. haerin continued to stroke their hair, her touch tender and loving.

"i don't ever want this moment to end," y/n whispered dreamily, their words barely audible.

haerin's voice was gentle as she replied, "then let's stay like this for as long as we can. we have all the time in the world."

y/n felt a sense of peace wash over them, the weight of the day slowly fading away. they could feel themselves drifting off to sleep, safe in haerin's arms.

just as their consciousness began to slip away, haerin planted a soft kiss on y/n's forehead. "sweet dreams, my love," she whispered.

y/n smiled drowsily, their voice barely a whisper. "thank you for being here, haerin. i love you."

haerin's heart skipped a beat at those words, overwhelmed with emotion. she kissed y/n's forehead once more and whispered, "i love you too, y/n."

as y/n succumbed to sleep, haerin continued to hold them, her touch becoming lighter as she patted their back gently. with each pat, she sent waves of comfort and reassurance, ensuring that y/n would have a peaceful rest.

in the warmth of their shared bed, haerin's touch and y/n's peaceful slumber, time seemed to stand still. their hearts beat in sync, and their love radiated throughout the room.

and so, in the quiet sanctuary of their room, y/n and haerin embraced the gentle silence, cherishing the serenity of the moment.

haerin remained by y/n's side, her eyes fixed on their peaceful face as they slept soundly. she couldn't help but feel a surge of overwhelming affection for the person who brought so much joy and love into her life.

lost in her thoughts, haerin softly caressed y/n's cheek with her fingertips, tracing the delicate lines of their face. she marveled at the beauty that radiated from within y/n, captivated by the way their features softened in slumber.

as haerin's touch brushed against y/n's lips, a playful thought crossed her mind. leaning in closer, she pressed a gentle kiss on y/n's lips, feeling a spark of warmth ignite between them.

it was a tender exchange, a silent declaration of her love and adoration.

y/n stirred in their sleep, a blissful smile gracing their lips as if they could sense the affectionate gesture. haerin's heart fluttered at the sight, her own smile mirroring y/n's.

feeling a sense of contentment, haerin curled up beside y/n, their bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces.

she draped an arm protectively over them, enveloping them in her embrace. the soft rhythm of their breathing harmonized, a gentle lullaby that whispered of love and tranquility.

minutes turned into hours as y/n continued to rest peacefully in haerin's arms. the room remained still, the only sound being the soft hum of their breathing and the steady beat of their hearts.

eventually, the gentle rays of the morning sun began to filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon the room. haerin watched as y/n's eyelashes fluttered, signaling their slow awakening.

she couldn't help but smile, knowing that they would soon be greeted by y/n's bright and infectious energy.

as y/n's eyes blinked open, they were met with haerin's warm gaze, filled with tenderness and affection. "good morning, sleepyhead," haerin whispered, her voice a soft melody.

y/n stretched and yawned, a sleepy smile gracing their lips. "good morning, haerin," they replied, their voice still laced with the remnants of sleep.

haerin leaned in to press a gentle kiss on y/n's forehead. "did you have a good rest?" she asked, her concern evident in her voice.

y/n nodded, their eyes shining with gratitude. "the best. thanks to you, haerin. your cuddles are the coziest."

haerin chuckled softly, her heart swelling with love. "i'm glad to hear that. you're always welcome in my arms, y/n."

with a contented sigh, y/n nestled closer to haerin, basking in the warmth and love that surrounded them. the outside world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own little haven.

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