guilt (haerin x fem reader)

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"how do you not have time for me but have time for your friends?" haerin yelled at y/n.

"because my friends are my colleagues and we are working together! what part of that do you not understand?"

haerin crossed her arms and glared at y/n. "that's not an excuse. you always prioritize your work over me."

"i don't prioritize work over you, haerin. it's just that i have responsibilities to fulfill," y/n replied, trying to remain calm.

haerin rolled her eyes. "responsibilities to your colleagues, but not to your girlfriend? that's just great."

y/n let out a frustrated sigh. "why are you making such a big deal out of this? it's not like i'm neglecting you."

haerin shook her head and headed towards the door. "i'm done with this conversation. you clearly don't understand how i feel."

y/n watched as haerin stormed out of the apartment. she knew she had messed up, but she didn't know how to fix things. she decided to go after haerin and try to talk things out.

as she ran down the street, y/n saw haerin standing on the sidewalk, her back towards the road. but before y/n could reach her, she saw a car speeding towards them.

without thinking, y/n ran faster and pushed haerin out of the way, getting hit by the car instead.

she was thrown several feet away. haerinwho fell after being pushed watched in horror as blood slowly seeped to the ground.

"y/n, y/n!" she rushed to y/n, ignoring the cut on her knee. y/n was unconscious. she lay motionless in haerin's arms.

haerin's heart raced as she held y/n's lifeless body. she screamed for help as she checked for a pulse, but there was nothing. tears streamed down her face as she realized the gravity of the situation.

the driver got out of the car and immediately called the hospital. paramedics soon arrived and rushed y/n to the hospital. haerin rode in the ambulance, holding y/n's hand and praying for her to wake up.

y/n's injuries were more severe than the doctors initially thought, and she remained in a coma for weeks. haerin was by her side every moment, holding her hand and talking to her, hoping that her words would somehow reach y/n's consciousness.

as the days turned into weeks, haerin's guilt grew. she couldn't shake the feeling that it was her fault that y/n was in a coma.

if only she hadn't argued with y/n that day, if only she hadn't stormed out of the apartment, then maybe y/n wouldn't have pushed her out of the way of the car. maybe y/n would still be awake.

haerin tried to stay strong for y/n, but inside, she was falling apart. she spent her days at the hospital,talking to y/n's doctors and trying to find any way to help her wake up.

but no matter what they tried, y/n remained in a coma. haerin felt helpless and alone, and she began to blame herself more and more for the accident.

as haerin sat by y/n's side, she broke down in tears. "i'm so sorry, y/n," she cried. "this is all my fault. if only i had been more understanding. if only i had been there for you more. maybe then you wouldn't be in this coma."

haerin knew that she was being too hard on herself, but she couldn't help it. she felt responsible for y/n's condition, and there was nothing she could do to make it right.

as the weeks turned into months, y/n remained in the coma, and haerin's guilt only grew. she couldn't bear the thought of losing y/n, and she couldn't forgive herself for what had happened.


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