make it better (minji x fem reader)

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minji had always been the top student in school, and she had worked hard to maintain that status. y/n, on the other hand, was a flirty hot mess, but she also excelled in her studies.

this made minji and y/n were academic rivals, often competing against each other for the highest grades in class.

one day, during a heated argument about an assignment, things got physical. they were both so angry that they didn't even remember how it started. y/n pushed minji, and in response, minji grabbed y/n's arm.

they were both so caught up in the moment that they didn't realize how hard they were pushing and pulling. suddenly, y/n lost her balance, and the two of them tumbled to the ground.

it wasn't long until someone stopped them.

both of them were hurt, but they were also consumed with guilt. they had never fought like that before, and they didn't know how to make things right. y/n couldn't bear to see minji in pain, so she offered to help clean up her wounds.

as y/n gently dabbed at the scrapes and bruises on minji's arms, she couldn't help but feel guilty for what had happened.

"i'm so sorry, minji. i don't know what came over me. i didn't mean to hurt you."

minji winced as y/n cleaned a particularly nasty scrape on her elbow. "it's okay, y/n. i shouldn't have pushed you like that. we were both in the wrong."

y/n nodded, still feeling guilty. she then stood up to grab some antiseptic from her bag, and felt minji's eyes scanning her up and down. she couldn't help but feel self-conscious under the intense gaze.

minji's eyes lingered on y/n's legs, taking in the sight of her short skirt. y/n felt a blush creeping up her neck and she quickly turned away to grab the antiseptic.

as she continued to clean up minji's wounds, she noticed the bruising on minji's neck. "oh my god, minji. what happened here? did i do that?"

minji hesitated before answering. "i... i fell against my desk earlier today. it's nothing."

y/n could tell that minji was lying, but she didn't press the issue. instead, she leaned in and kissed the bruise on minji's neck. "let me make it feel better," she whispered.

minji was shocked by y/n's sudden action, but she didn't stop her. as y/n kissed the bruise on her neck, minji felt a warm sensation spread throughout her body. she couldn't believe that y/n was kissing her, but she didn't want it to stop.

emboldened by minji's reaction, y/n continued to kiss her wounds. she moved down to minji's thighs, planting soft kisses on the bruises there.

"there's a cut on your lip..." y/n said, staring at minji's lips before leaning in and kissing minji. minji didn't stop her and kissed back passionately.

as they pulled away, minji looked at y/n with a mix of surprise and desire. "what was that for?" she asked breathlessly.

y/n smiled at her. "to make it better," she said simply.


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