secret (danielle x fem reader)

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"do you think anyone in school will know?" y/n asked danielle as she laid on danielle's bed. danielle was busy working on her assignment and turned to y/n.

"not really," danielle said. "we've been keeping it pretty lowkey. as long as we're careful, no one should find out. I wouldn't mind if people did find out though."

y/n nodded, a small smile on her lips. she couldn't believe that she was actually in a relationship with danielle, the star of the school's track team. they had been seeing each other for a few months now, but they had kept it a secret from everyone. they didn't want to deal with any drama from their classmates.

"I just hope it stays that way," y/n said.

danielle put her assignment aside and leaned in to kiss y/n softly. "me too."

the next day, y/n was running late for school and decided to borrow one of danielle's jersey to wear to school.

as y/n walked down the hallway, people stared.

she didn't think much of it until she saw her friend hanni whispering to her group of friends, casting glances in y/n's direction.

y/n's heart started racing. she knew that hanni was one of the biggest gossips in school.

she quickly made her way to her locker, hoping to avoid any more attention. but it was too late. by the time she got there, a group of girls had already gathered around her, staring at the jersey she was wearing.

"y/n, is that danielle's jersey?" haerin asked.

y/n's heart sank. she didn't know what to say. she didn't want to lie, but she also didn't want to admit the truth because she was scared.

before she could say anything, hanni spoke up. "oh my god, you're dating danielle, aren't you?"

y/n felt her face go red as everyone turned to look at her. she didn't know what to do.

just then, danielle appeared next to y/n, placing an arm around y/n's shoulder.

"so what if she is?"

hanni and her friends stared at them, dumbfounded but they started to disperse, realising that there was no juicy gossip.

danielle then leaned in to whisper in y/n's ear, "you look good in my clothes, you should wear them more often."

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