brewing crush (haerin x fem reader)

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y/n sat at her usual spot in the cafe, surrounded by the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee. she was busy writing down notes and reading her books.

from her corner of her eye, she could see haerin, scrolling on her phone.

y/n always had a crush on haerin. she thought she was really pretty and loved the way her eyes crinkled up when she smiles. her shyness also added on to her cuteness, and y/n loved it.

however, y/n was at the cafe to study. she turned her focus back to studying, ignoring haerin.

after studying for another hour, y/n packed up and got ready to leave. she saw that haerin was still there, her coffee already finished and she was still scrolling on her phone.

"hey," the barista came over to y/n, and helped to clear up the table.

"thanks," y/n said, her eyes still watching haerin.

"do you like that girl?" the barista asked. "I think she really likes you."

"really? what makes you say that?"

"you probably don't know, but she always comes here ten minutes before you do. she knows you come in here on wednesdays, fridays, and saturdays. she says you come in here at 3pm each time and I have to make your iced americano three minutes before you come in. at 2.57pm, she comes to me and reminds me. I have never seen someone so in love before."

y/n's heart skipped a beat at the barista's words. she couldn't believe that her crush had been doing all that for her.

"it would be a shame if you didn't have feelings for her too."

"give me a moment," y/n said, tearing out a piece for paper from her notebook. she scribbled something on it and folded it.

"would you mind passing it to her?"

"not at all," the barista replied and took the piece of paper from y/n. y/n thanked her and left, smiling and blushing to herself.

the barista saw that haerin was about to leave after y/n had left. she then stopped her and handed her the piece of paper.

haerin looked at the folded note in her hands, her heart racing with anticipation. she unfolded it slowly, her eyes scanning the words on the paper.

hi haerin, I heard from the barista that you always come here just to see me. I wanted to let you know that I'm flattered that you do all of that for me, and I like you back.
would you perhaps want to study together sometime and maybe grab some coffee after?
here's my number: xxx-xxx-xxx :)

haerin's heart skipped a beat as she read the note. y/n liked her back! shd felt a rush of excitement and nerves all at once.

with shaking hands, haerin took out her phone and typed in y/n's number. she sent a quick text message to y/n, saying that she would love to grab a coffee and study together.

as she left the cafe that day, haerin felt like she was on cloud nine. she couldn't wait to see y/n again.

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