guilt pt.3 (haerin x fem reader)

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y/n had slowly started to remember bits and pieces of her and haerin's relationship. she remembered what haerin liked and disliked, where she likes to go, and more.

haerin was concerned however, as y/n barely spoke to her. she knew y/n was starting to remember things but, something was not right.

she was glad that y/n remembered stuff but why would y/n not tell her until she asked?

random thoughts started filling her head. she thought that y/n didn't want to start their relationship again, maybe y/n regretted saying that.

today was the day of their anniversary. the day they became a couple officially.

haerin was excited yet nervous to celebrate the day. she thought y/n wouldn't remember it, and she didn't want to make y/n uncomfortable by pushing her to remember it.

when she woke up on the day, she turned to see that y/n was gone, and not in bed. she panicked, and turned to pick up her phone from the nightstand.

she paused when she noticed a note there.

meet me at the spot in the park. 3pm.

her heart leapt at the words. it was the park that she and y/n went on dates. it also happened to be the park where they confessed to each other.

she was nervous. she went to get dressed and prepared to meet y/n.

as she arrived at the park, she saw y/n there. y/n's back was facing her, her hair flowing with the wind. haerin smiled at the beautiful sight and made her way towards y/n.

y/n turned around upon sensing her presence. she smiled as haerin approached, a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

"happy anniversary, haerin," y/n said, holding the flowers out to haerin.

haerin's eyes widened at her words. "you... you remember?"

"of course I did. why else would I ask you to meet me here?"

"but... how? you never told me."

"I was planning a surprise. I remembered the anniversary a few weeks before and thought I would surprise you."

"you pretended you didn't remember stuff just to surprise me?"

"I didn't pretend."

"you didn't tell me until I asked," haerin said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"haerin, don't cry. I'm sorry I worried you. I just wanted to make you happy," y/n said, hugging haerin tightly.

"having you beside me makes me happy," haerin sobbed.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


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