trust you pt.2 (hanni x fem reader x danielle)

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hanni and y/n continued to act close on camera. hanni had slowly started developing feelings for y/n when they started being touchy, and now her feelings had grown.

no one knew and everyone was just oblivious. hanni started dropping hints by being clingy with y/n even when they were not on camera.

danielle had noticed this and was not pleased. she trusted y/n, but not hanni. it was suspicious to her that hanni was still clinging onto her girlfriend at home.

when they were practicing one day, y/n was monitoring their dance on her phone. hanni took the chance and sat next to y/n, placing her chin on y/n's shoulder and hugging her body from the side.

y/n didn't seem to mind as she got used to hanni's actions.

after monitoring, y/n placed the phone down and turned slightly to look at hanni. they were alone, and hanni wanted to kiss y/n so bad.

as y/n turned, they faced each other, lips inches away. hanni glanced at y/n's lips, swallowing a lump in her throat, unsure if she should do it.

"y/n..." hanni whispered as she leaned in closer, one hand cupping the side of y/n's cheeks. y/n's eyes widened, and as she was about to push hanni away, the door to the room burst open.

danielle stared in shock at how close hanni and y/n were, and frowned. she turned away and walked back out.

"danielle, wait!" y/n quickly ran after danielle, her heart pounding in her chest. she knew that danielle was hurt and upset, and she wanted to make things right.

"danielle, please wait," y/n called out, catching up to her in the hallway. "i know what you saw looked bad, but please listen to me."

danielle turned to face y/n, her eyes red from crying. "how can you defend her after what she did?" she asked, her voice shaking with anger.

y/n took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "i'm not defending her, danielle. i know what she did was wrong, and i'm not happy about it either," she said, her voice firm.

danielle looked at y/n skeptically. "then why were you letting her get so close to you?" she asked, her voice rising in pitch.

y/n felt a sense of frustration wash over her. she couldn't believe that danielle was still questioning her loyalty. "i didn't let her get close to me, danielle. i was just trying to be polite. i didn't want to hurt her feelings," she said, her voice breaking.

danielle shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. "i don't know what to believe anymore," she said, turning to walk away.

y/n felt a sense of despair wash over her. she didn't know how to make things right with danielle. she had tried to explain herself, but danielle just didn't seem to want to listen.

"fine. if that's what you think, then maybe we should just break up. you can't seem to trust me," y/n said.

danielle stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening in shock. "what? no, y/n, i don't want to break up," she said, her voice trembling.

y/n looked at danielle, feeling a sense of sadness wash over her. "then what do you want, danielle? i'm trying to be honest with you, but you're not giving me the chance to explain myself," she said, her voice breaking.

danielle took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "i want to believe you, y/n. i really do. but it's hard when i see you and hanni acting so close all the time," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"then what's stopping you from trusting me? you said you would trust me... you said that, yet here you are, accusing me of something i didn't do. hanni tried to kiss me but i was going to push her away till you came in."

danielle looked at y/n, her eyes filled with tears. "i don't know, y/n. i just feel like i can't compete with hanni. she's always there, and i feel like i'm losing you," she said, her voice shaking with emotion.

y/n felt a sense of frustration wash over her. "you're not losing me, danielle. i love you, and i'm committed to our relationship. hanni is just a friend, and i don't have any feelings for her," she said, her voice firm.

"it doesn't look like it..."

"see? that's the problem! you don't want to trust me. you know what? let's just break up. i don't care what you say anymore," y/n said, and turned to leave. danielle stood there in despair, unsure of what to do.

she walked back into the practice room dejectedly.

"danielle, where is y/n?" minji asked.

"we had a fight, and she just walked away."

"where did she go?" hyein asked.

"I... i don't know. she said she wanted to break up," danielle cried out. "she said that if i couldn't trust her, we should just break up."

"then where is she?" hanni spoke up, getting worried.

danielle shook her head, feeling a sense of sadness wash over her. "i don't know, hanni. she just walked out, and i don't know where she went," she said, her voice trembling.

minji looked at danielle sympathetically. she knew how much y/n meant to her, and she didn't want to see them break up. "we need to find her, danielle. we can't let her go like this," she said, trying to offer some comfort.

hanni, haerin, and hyein nodded in agreement, and the five of them set out to find y/n. they searched the whole building, but y/n was nowhere to be found.

as they were about to give up, hanni heard a faint sound coming from one of the dressing rooms. she cautiously approached the door, and as she openedit, she saw y/n sitting on the floor, tears streaming down her face.

"y/n!" hanni rushed towards her, hugging her tightly.

"hanni..." y/n sobbed, hugging her back.

"y/n, are you okay?"

"no... no... danielle doesn't trust me, and i hurt her too much it hurts me."

"calm down, calm down," hanni said patting y/n's back. "y/n, you don't have to act so rash, danielle loves you," hanni said. she knew it was her fault the couple was on the verge of breaking up.

"no. she doesn't want to trust me. she keeps accusing me that i'm cheating on her although i did nothing," y/n said, looking straight into hanni's eyes.

"... okay, let's just get you back to the practice room first."

"i don't want to go there. can you just take me to the dorm?" y/n tugged hanni's sleeves.


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