last christmas (minji x fem reader)

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y/n and minji were ecstatic to attend the school's annual festival together, walking hand in hand and savoring every sight, sound, and smell that the festival had to offer. the air was filled with the aroma of mouth-watering foods from the stalls, and the sound of laughter and music filled their hearts with joy.

as they wandered around the festival, they stumbled upon a group of dancers performing on the main stage. y/n's eyes lit up with excitement, and she eagerly pulled minji over to watch the performance. they stood at the front of the crowd, swaying to the beat of the music, and cheering along with everyone else.

in a moment of pure happiness, y/n leaned in and kissed minji tenderly. the kiss was filled with passion and love, and it was a moment that they both cherished. they broke apart, smiling at each other, their eyes shining with happiness.

but suddenly, y/n began coughing uncontrollably, gasping for air and clutching her chest before collapsing onto the ground.

minji's heart sank as she watched her love struggle to breathe, and she immediately called for help. the teachers quickly called an ambulance, and y/n was rushed to the hospital with minji by her side.

hours later, y/n opened her eyes in a sterile hospital room, with minji holding her hand tightly. the doctor revealed that y/n had been diagnosed with lung cancer, and the news was a devastating blow for them both.

"why didn't you tell me?" minji asked, her voice filled with pain and confusion.

"i didn't want to worry you," y/n said, her voice barely audible. "i didn't want to ruin our time together."

minji's heart broke as she realized y/n had been suffering in silence. she wished she had known earlier so she could have been there for her love.

but now, they had to make the most of the time they had left. they spent every moment together, talking about their dreams, hopes, and fears. they cherished every moment and made the most of the time they had left.

as the days passed, y/n's condition worsened rapidly. minji stayed by her side, holding her hand and offering words of comfort. they spoke about their future plans, even though they knew they would never come to fruition. they wanted to make every moment count.

it was christmas, a joyous occasion for many. minji had planned a date with y/n. she wanted to make her happy and forget about her illness.

despite y/n's illness, minji was determined to make christmas a special day for her love. she had planned a date, hoping to bring some joy and happiness to y/n's life.

as they sat together, with christmas lights twinkling around them, minji handed y/n a beautifully wrapped present.

"merry christmas, my love," minji said, smiling through her tears.

y/n smiled weakly and began to unwrap the present. inside was a photo album filled with pictures of them together, from their first date to their most recent adventures.

tears welled up in y/n's eyes as she flipped through the pages, seeing the love and happiness that they had shared.

"i love it," y/n said, her voice barely above a whisper. "thank you."

minji smiled at y/n, stroking her hair gently. suddenly, y/n's face turned white, and she began to gasp for air. minji's heart raced as she watched her love's body convulse with pain, struggling to breathe.

"y/n, what's wrong?!" minji cried out, her voice shaking with fear.

y/n tried to speak, but her breaths were ragged and labored. minji could see the fear in her love's eyes, and she knew that something was seriously wrong.

she quickly called for help, but it was too late. y/n's body went limp in her arms, and minji knew that she had lost her love forever.

tears streamed down minji's face as she held y/n's lifeless body in her arms. she couldn't believe that her love was gone, that the light and joy of her life had been extinguished in an instant.

the doctors rushed in, trying to revive y/n, but it was no use. the cancer had taken too great a toll on her body, and there was nothing they could do.

as minji sat there, numb with grief, she remembered all the moments they had shared together. the laughter, the tears, the love, and the pain. she remembered the way y/n had looked at her with such tenderness and affection, and she knew that she would never forget the love they had shared.

but now, it was all gone. y/n's body lay motionless in her arms, and minji was left with nothing but memories.

as she held y/n's body close to her chest, she felt a warmth on her cheek. she looked up andsaw y/n's ghostly form, smiling at her.

"i love you," y/n whispered.

"i love you too," minji replied, tears streaming down her face.

y/n leaned in and kissed minji gently, and then disappeared into the ether.

minji was left alone, heartbroken and grieving, but she knew that she would always carry y/n's love with her. the memories they shared would be cherished forever, and the love they had would last a lifetime.

but even with that knowledge, minji knew that life would never be the same without y/n by her side. her heart was broken, and she knew that it could never be fully mended.

as she left the hospital room, tears streaming down her face, minji knew that she would never forget the bittersweet memories of their last christmas together, and the love that they had shared.


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