coffee (haerin x fem reader)

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y/n hurriedly made her way through the bustling hallways of the school, clutching her coffee cup tightly in her hand. she was already running late for her first class of the day and couldn't afford to waste any more time. as she turned a corner, she collided with someone and her coffee spilled all over the person's coat.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry," y/n exclaimed, her heart racing as she looked up to see who she had bumped into.

haerin scowled at y/n, her coat now stained with coffee. "watch where you're going," she snapped, before walking away.

y/n apologized once more before rushing off to her class.

"what happened?" eunchae, haerin's friend showed up and asked.

"that bitch spilled coffee on my coat!"

haerin replied, her temper still flaring.

eunchae raised an eyebrow. "did you really have to be so harsh with her? it was just an accident."

haerin rolled her eyes. "i don't have time for clumsy people. besides, she should have been more careful."

later that day, haerin and her friend eunchae encountered y/n again in another class. haerin rolled her eyes at y/n, who couldn't shake off the feeling that she had seen haerin somewhere before.

"hey, you're the girl i spilled coffee on this morning, right?" y/n asked tentatively, trying to break the ice.

haerin just scoffed and turned away, but eunchae nudged her and whispered something in her ear. haerin reluctantly turned back to y/n.

"yeah, that was me. what do you want?" haerin asked, crossing her arms.

"i just wanted to apologise again and see if i could make it up to you somehow," y/n said, feeling a little embarrassed.

haerin looked at her skeptically. "how are you going to make it up to me? my coat was expensive," she said haughtily.

y/n winced. "well, i could buy you a new one," she suggested.

haerin shook her head. "no, that's not necessary. just forget about it," she said dismissively.

y/n felt frustrated. "i can't just forget about it. i spilled coffee all over you! i want to make it right," she said firmly.

haerin raised an eyebrow. "and how do you plan on doing that?" she asked, clearly not convinced.

y/n thought for a moment. "how about taking you out to dinner? my treat," she offered.

haerin looked surprised for a moment before narrowing her eyes. "nice try, but i'm not interested," she said coolly.

y/n felt a pang of disappointment. "oh, okay. well, if you change your mind, let me know," she said before walking away.

haerin watched her go, feeling a little conflicted. why did she feel so drawn to this girl, despite their rocky start?

over the next few days, they continued to glare and roll their eyes at each other in class.

one day, the class was assigned to work on a project in pairs.

"eunchae, do you want..." haerin turned to ask eunchae only to find her clinging onto kyujin.

"nope. i'm with kyujin. go ask y/n or something."

haerin grumbled and sat there gloomily, waiting for the teacher to give her a partner.

as fate would have it, the teacher paired haerin and y/n together.

"so, what do you want to do for the project?" y/n asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

haerin shrugged. "i don't know. what do you suggest?" she asked, sounding bored.

y/n hesitated for a moment before suggesting an idea. "how about we do a presentation on the history of arts? it's something we're both interested in, right?" she said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

haerin looked surprised for a moment before nodding slowly. "yeah, i guess that could work," she said.

as they worked on the project, they started to realise that they weren't as different as they had initially thought. they both loved art and had a similar sense of humor. they even started finding each other cute and attractive, despite their initial animosity.

one day, they had to work on the project at haerin's house. as they worked, they started to feel more relaxed around each other. they laughed and joked, and y/n couldn't help but notice how pretty haerin looked in the soft light of her bedroom.

as it got late, haerin suggested that y/n sleep over.

"do you want to sleep with me? it's kinda late."

"sleep... with you?"

"no! i mean... like, just sleep."

"yeah, sure. that sounds fun."

y/n felt her heart race at the thought of spending the night with haerin, but she tried to play it cool.

as they got ready for bed, y/n couldn't help but steal glances at haerin. she looked so beautiful, even with her hair messy and her glasses on.

they got into bed, and y/n tried to fall asleep, but her mind was racing. she couldn't believe that she was actually in haerin's bed, and she felt a surge of desire coursing through her.

before she could stop herself, she turned to haerin and whispered, "can i kiss you?"

haerin looked surprised but didn't say anything. y/n took that as a sign to lean in and brush her lips against haerin's.

at first, haerin seemed hesitant, but soon she was kissing y/n back with a fierce intensity. they tangled their fingers in each other's hair, and y/n felt like she was on fire.

as they pulled away, haerin looked at y/n with a mix of confusion and desire.

"what was that?" she asked, sounding breathless.

y/n took a deep breath. "i don't know. i just... i really like you," she said honestly.

they stared at each other, a small smile tugging at the corner of their lips. "would you want to maybe... go on a date with me?" y/n asked.

"a date?"

"yeah. to uhm... get to know each other better," y/n replied.

"sure. we can plan it another day," haerin answered and yawned. "let's just go sleep for now, I'm really tired."

"okay!" y/n enthusiastically replied as haerin moved to cuddle with her. y/n grinned at the warmth of haerin's body, and put her arms around her body to hug her.

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