scholarship (danielle x fem reader)

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danielle and y/n had been classmates since middle school, but they had never really talked to each other. they were both shy and introverted, and they tended to stick to their own small groups of friends.

but when they both applied for the same scholarship to their dream college, they found themselves in direct competition with each other. they were both determined to win the scholarship, but they couldn't deny the growing attraction they felt for each other.

as they worked on their scholarship applications, they found themselves spending more and more time together. they would meet up at the library to work on their essays, and they would grab coffee together to discuss their plans for college.

one day, as they were working on their essays, danielle looked up at y/n and said, "you know, y/n, I've always admired your dedication and hard work. you're one of the smartest people I know."

y/n felt a sense of surprise and gratitude. she had always thought of herself as average, never imagining that someone like danielle would have noticed her.

"thank you, danielle. that means a lot to me," she said, feeling a sense of warmth.

danielle smiled, her eyes sparkling. "I'm serious, y/n. I think you're amazing."

y/n felt her heart race as she looked into danielle's eyes. she realised that she had feelings for danielle, something more than just admiration or friendship.

as they continued to work on their essays, y/n found herself struggling to concentrate. she couldn't stop thinking about danielle, about how much she wanted to be with her.

y/n finally mustered up the courage to tell danielle how she felt as they walked home one day.

"danielle, I need to tell you something," y/n said, her voice shaking. "I've been thinking a lot about you, and I can't shake this feeling that there's something more between us. I don't know if you feel the same way, but I had to tell you."

danielle looked surprised, but not uncomfortable. she smiled warmly at y/n, taking her hand.

"y/n, I'm glad you told me. I've been feeling the same way," she said, her voice soft and gentle.

y/n felt a sense of relief wash over her. she couldn't believe that danielle felt the same way, that there was a chance for something more between them.

as they started dating, they found themselves falling deeper in love with each other. they would study together at the library, often doodling cute little drawings on each other's notebooks.

but as the scholarship deadline approached, they found themselves in direct competition with each other. they both wanted to win the scholarship, but they also didn't want to ruin their relationship.

as they were studying at the library, danielle looked up at y/n and said, "y/n, I don't know if I can do this. I don't want to compete against you. I don't want to risk our relationship."

y/n looked at danielle, feeling a sense of sadness and longing. she knew that she wanted to be with danielle, but she also knew how important this scholarship was to her.

"I know, danielle. I feel the same way. but we can't let this scholarship come between us. we have to find a way to compete fairly and still support each other."

danielle nodded, a small smile on her face. "you're right, y/n. we can do this. we can support each other and still compete fairly."

as they continued to work on their scholarship applications, they found themselves helping each other out. they would proofread each other's essays, quiz each other on the material, and offer each other encouragement and support.

however, when the scholarship winners were announced, y/n was devastated to find out that danielle had won the scholarship. she felt a sense of betrayal and disappointment, wondering why danielle had won when they had both worked so hard.

danielle saw the look on y/n's face and felt a pang of guilt. she knew how much this scholarship meant to y/n, and she felt terrible that she had won it instead.

y/n looked at danielle, feeling a sense of anger and frustration. "how could you win, danielle ? we both worked so hard. we both deserved it."

as she looked at danielle, y/n felt a sudden wave of anger. she couldn't believe that danielle had taken something that was so important to her, something that she had worked so hard for.

"I can't believe you won," y/n said, her voice shaking with anger. "we both worked so hard, and I deserved that scholarship just as much as you did."

danielle looked at y/n, a look of hurt and confusion on her face. she was taken aback by the sudden change in y/n's attitude. "y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just worked really hard on my application, and I guess the judges liked it more than yours. we also worked hard together and decided to compete fairly, right?"

but y/n wasn't listening. she was too blinded by anger, too hurt. she felt like danielle had betrayed her, like she had taken something that didn't belong to her.

"I can't be with you anymore," y/n said, her voice cold and distant. "I can't be with someone who would do something like this to me."

danielle looked at y/n, her eyes filling with tears. she couldn't believe that y/n was breaking up with her over a scholarship.

"I'm sorry, y/n. I didn't mean to hurt you," danielle said, her voice shaking with emotion. "I love you, and I don't want to lose you over this."

but y/n was already walking away. she couldn't bear the thought of being with someone who had something she couldn't have.

as she walked out of danielle's life, y/n knew that things would never be the same between them. she had lost the person she loved, and she couldn't help but feel like it was all because of a stupid scholarship.

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