forbidden (minji x fem reader)

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minji was a princess of a prosperous kingdom, living a life of luxury and privilege. despite her privileged position, she often found herself captivated by the presence of a certain knight named y/n.

y/n's dedication, bravery, and unwavering loyalty to the kingdom had earned them a place of high esteem among the royal court. they had caught minji's attention, and she couldn't help but be drawn to y/n's captivating spirit and kind heart.

as time went on, minji and y/n began to spend more time together. they found solace in each other's company, sharing their hopes, dreams, and fears. they talked about everything under the sun, from the latest gossip in the court to their secret desires. their conversations were filled with laughter, and their bond grew stronger with each passing day.

a bond formed between them that transcended the boundaries of their respective positions. they discovered a deep connection, one that went beyond the confines of their social roles.

one evening, as they sat in the garden, minji turned to y/n and said, "i can't believe how much we have in common. it's like we were meant to meet."

y/n smiled. "i feel the same way, minji. it's like we were two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together."

their conversation was interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. it was one of the king's guards, who had been sent to summon y/n to the throne room.

"i have to go," y/n said, standing up. "i'll see you later, minji."

minji watched y/n walk away, her heart aching with longing. she knew that their love was forbidden, but she couldn't help the way she felt.

however, when minji's father, the king, learned of their growing relationship, he was furious. he firmly believed that love between individuals of different social classes and of the same gender was forbidden, and he refused to accept it.

he summoned y/n and sternly expressed his disapproval, warning them to stay away from his daughter.

undeterred by her father's objections, y/n couldn't bear the thought of being separated from minji. they suggested that they should run away together, seeking a life where their love could flourish without the constraints of societal expectations.

but minji, knowing the potential dangers they would face, hesitated to agree. they feared the repercussions such an act might bring upon them and the kingdom.

"i don't want to endanger you or the kingdom, y/n," minji said, her voice filled with concern. "what if we get caught? think of the consequences."

"but i can't live without you," y/n pleaded. "i'd rather die than be without you."

minji took y/n's hand, their eyes locking in a deep gaze. "i love you, y/n. but we have to be realistic. we can't let our feelings get in the way of our duty."

this disagreement led to a heated argument between minji and y/n, their voices echoing through the castle corridors. in the heat of the moment, y/n, overwhelmed by frustration and desperation, made a painful ultimatum.

they asked minji to choose between her duty to the kingdom and their love. it was a heart-wrenching request, but y/n felt that it was the only way to find a resolution.

minji was left speechless, torn between her love for y/n and her loyalty to her father and the kingdom she was destined to rule.

"in my heart, i know what i want," minji said, her voice shaking. "but my head is telling me to do the right thing."

y/n took minji's hand, their eyes filled with understanding. "i know it's hard, minji. but we have to think about the bigger picture."

as y/n made their way out of the castle, they were caught by minji's father and thrown into a cold, dimly lit cell. in the morning, minji's father visited y/n, a small vial of poisonous tea in his hand. he threatened to harm minji unless y/n drank the poison.

with tears in their eyes, y/n faced an impossible choice. they couldn't bear the thought of minji suffering because of their love, so they took a deep breath and drank the poison. the pain coursing through their veins was unbearable, but y/n held onto the faint hope that minji would be spared.

meanwhile, one of their mutual friends, aware of y/n's capture, rushed to inform minji. but it was too late. by the time they reached the prison, y/n was already on the brink of death. minji's heart shattered as she witnessed the sacrifice y/n had made for her.

"why did you have to do this, y/n?" minji cried out, tears streaming down her face.

"because i love you, minji," y/n whispered weakly, their voice barely audible.

fueled by despair and regret, minji used a stolen small knife from her father's study, her trembling hands pushing it into her own heart. the pain paled in comparison to the guilt she felt for not being able to save y/n.

as she lay next to y/n, tears streaming down her face, minji begged for forgiveness. she apologised repeatedly for the choices that had led them to this tragic end.

weak and fading, y/n refused minji's plea for a kiss, fearing that the poison still lingered in their mouth.

they knew that if they kissed her, minji would be consumed by the same fate.

they had no idea, minji was on the brink too.

in their final moments together, minji held y/n's hand tightly, expressing her love and remorse.

they shared whispered words of devotion, knowing that their love would forever remain bittersweet. and as the light faded from their eyes, their souls found solace in the knowledge that they had chosen their respective paths, even if it meant sacrificing their love for the sake of the kingdom.

the kingdom mourned the loss of two extraordinary souls, unaware of the profound love that had blossomed within their midst. their tragic tale became a bittersweet legend, a reminder of the lengths one can go for love and duty, and the eternal longing that remains when the two cannot coexist.


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