news (hanni x fem reader)

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y/n smiled as she watched her girlfriend, hanni, practice with her group newjeans. they had met a year ago at a music show and had been dating ever since.

despite their busy schedules, they made time for each other and found ways to support each other's careers.

today was an important day for y/n, as she was nominated for several awards at the upcoming music award show. she was nervous but excited at the same time.

y/n was backstage with hanni, talking to each other. "this is nice," y/n said, sipping on her blueberry slushy provided.

"i like the strawberry one," hanni said, sipping on hers. y/n laughed at how cute she looked and squeezed her hand.

"i'm so nervous," y/n said.

"don't be! you have gotten so much nominations, i'm sure you will be able to win."

y/n smiled gratefully at hanni, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. she leaned in and gave hanni a quick kiss on the lips.

"thank you so much for your support, hanni. i couldn't have made it this far without you," y/n said, looking into hanni's eyes.

hanni smiled back at her and pulled her in for a longer kiss. as they made out, y/n felt all her nervousness melt away. being with hanni always made her feel safe and loved.

a sudden knock inthe door made them pull apart from each other. they turned to see y/n's manager.

"hey, they're doing the red carpet now, you guys are needed," she said. y/n nodded and she stood up with hanni.

"oh, and take the slushies. they are sponsored so the organiser wants you to take them with you."

"that's weird but okay."

y/n stood behind hanni nervously. she then watched as the mc called out newjeans and hanni walking in with her group.

after a short interview, they called out y/n. y/n nervously walked out and smiled, waving at the cameras.

"hello, y/n!" the mc greeted and she greeted them back.

"so, how do you feel today?"

"i'm actually quite nervous. seeing how many nominations i got made me feel anxious."

"i'm sure you'll win them all! ... by the way, why is you tongue purple?"

"ah, it must have been the slushy," y/n answered, pointing at the slushy in her hand.

"it's blue though... unless you shared drinks with someone, or you... made out."

y/n blushed at the mc's words. it was unprofessional of the mc to ask that but y/n couldn't help but think of hanni. "... maybe... i love you."

the camera lights started flashing intensely. everyone was taken aback by y/n's sudden confession.

they didn't know who but they knew for sure that y/n had a lover. the reporters and news people swarmed around them, trying to get more information about y/n's newly announced love life.

"y/n, who is this mystery person you're in love with?" one reporter shouted.

"are they also in the music industry?" another asked.

but y/n stayed tight-lipped, refusing to reveal any more details about her relationship.

"we're just really happy together," y/n finally said, breaking the silence. "and we hope that everyone can respect our privacy."

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