Chapter 1

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"Taehyung, they have arrived, we are waiting for you downstairs. " Namjoon said, his words sounded soft  but firm. His dad had just asked him to get his ass downstairs in the most polite way and if his ass was unwilling to move his Mom would be the next to call him and it won't be pretty. When his mom Jin spoke sweetly, it meant his ass would be whooped. He'd rather not be in danger today.

He is going to meet his future spouse.
Of course,  he thought,  I am going to be married to someone I hardly know. He thought and let out sigh.

He got up from where he was sitting on the bed in his room and headed downstairs. Walking downstairs he saw three people sitting on the couch in their living room, with bodyguards in black suits surrounding them with black glasses perched on their nose.

He glided through the living room and towards them. Stopping when he reached the end of the couch his guests were sitting at. They seem to not notice him yet. He did not dare look at their faces.

His dad was busy talking to the guests while his mom acknowledged his presence. "Taehyung." Said Jin and finally the guest seem to be aware of his presence and they stood up. His parents stood up as well, introducing the guests to him and vice versa.

"This is Min Yoongi, an old friend of mine and this is his husband Min Jimin. They are here to sign off the deal we made with them and-

"Hold on. What deal?" Taehyung asked. He received a glare from his father for the interruption but explained it to him nonetheless.

"Your marriage, the reason it's taking place is Mr. Min and I have decided to expand our business and we thought what better way than to merge our families together. You and their son are of age and both the parties agree this deal is beneficial so why not?"

Oh, he thought, so I'm going to be married because both parties are beneficial and I'm sure I don't have choice here because who cares what I think? Yeah right. I shouldn't have accepted dad's offer.

He still remembered the day his dad had first spoken of marriage. He was strongly against the idea, arguing that he was still young and wanted to find a lover to which his dad had replied that "You'll take forever to find someone your type" . Truth to be told his dad wasn't wrong. He was cold towards everyone, face as stone and dagger like eyes, piercing through your soul. His aura screamed intimidation. Only his eomma and dad were able to see through him. He knew his dad wouldn't force him without a reason. He was aware of the reason. He was aware of his parents' fear of him ending up alone, or with someone who would be with him for his looks, money and reputation. He didn't want that either, but he just wasn't ready for any commitments.

He asked for time. Time to clear his thoughts, to agree on this, to find one thing good about this marriage. He couldn't. And so his father made the decision, a decision his mother did not protest against nor mind and now he was here, standing in front of his soon to be in-laws and spouse.




He stood there unmoving. Looking up for a split second then dashing towards his room, ignoring his mother and father's calls and shut the door and locked himself in his room. He did not want to face the fact that he was getting married. It was too much for him. Being cold on the outside doesn't necessarily mean he was cold on the inside, he still had feelings.

He did not go out of his room again. He just couldn't that day, he did not have the energy. He did not want to recall any events from that day but his mind lingered on one moment...

That one split second when he had looked up before leaving, he saw him.
His soon to husband, who had his eyes cast down to the floor, almost as if shy, but his face was clear. Angelic.

But the man had not spoken a single word. Well, not like I gave him a chance, he thought. Suddenly, he felt embarrassed about his behaviour. He shouldn't have ran. He wondered what the man thought of him.

He did not say anything, does that mean he agrees to all of this? The thought made Taehyung feel angry. Because that man had agreed to this marriage and did not protest or that man can accept him and he can't, he didn't know what the reason was and decided he did not care. That's it. He's just angry.

Taehyung's last thought before he drifted to sleep was..

At least, he is beautiful.

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