Chapter 39

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Smut ahead! Oral sex (rimming) included!

Ragged breaths filled the living room as Taehyung stumbled in, his hands all over Jungkook's body, who was finding it hard to breath because Taehyung hadn't let go of Jungkook's mouth since past 5 minutes, sucking on his tongue greedily.

Jungkook was pushed against the wall near the stairs, Taehyung sucked on his bottom lip and traced it with his tongue. Jungkook broke the kiss when he remembered something.

"Take us to the rooftop." He said. Taehyung looked confused.

"Don't ask anything. You can have me once we go there." Jungkook whispered and kissed Taehyung, already missing the feel of his lips. Taehyung picked him up, like he weighed nothing and carried him upstairs, still kissing him.

He pushed Jungkook against any surface he found, removing any article that was covering him, not breaking the kiss. By the time they reached the rooftop, both of them had lost their shoes, socks and jacket.

Taehyung pushed him to the door of their rooftop, hand roaming freely under Jungkook's shirt, playing with his buds. Jungkook moaned in the kiss and pulled back.

"Open the door." Jungkook whispered. Taehyung's hand went past him and to the finger print detector, the door opened and Jungkook hurriedly led him outside, switching on the light. The door closed behind them and locked itself.

Taehyung looked around and found a corner of the rooftop, neatly decorated. Their rooftop wasn't exactly like a rooftop, it was actually covered with bulletproof glass all around, and was like a huge balcony, considering it had couches and table and chairs. But most of the space was empty.

(A/n: something like this but wider and more fluffy

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(A/n: something like this but wider and more fluffy. Picture obtained from Google.)

Jungkook had made a blanket fort in the empty space. And it was huge. There were at least 8 king size mattresses, four on each side, supported by the wall. It was covered with 3 huge blankets and fairy lights decorated it inside out. It wasn't much but Taehyung's heart still skipped a beat, he looked at Jungkook who was shy and playing with his fingers.

"It's a huge blanket fort and I've made sure it won't fall. W-we can continue here. But if you want we can go to our bedroom too." Jungkook blushed. Taehyung laughed and walked towards him, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him close.

"Oh baby, there's no way I'm doing you in our bedroom if this heaven you made for me exists. Besides I'm too horny to walk back down. Your words better be true about it not falling because I'm gonna fuck you hard and good." Taehyung whispered and Jungkook was on the blanket fort the next moment. Taehyung hovered over him, leaning down to shower his neck with kisses, his hands travelled under his shirt and squeezed his waist.

Jungkook exhaled. He was finally going to have Taehyung. He missed the feeling of Taehyung inside him and looking at the elder, Jungkook could tell he felt the same way.

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