Chapter 25

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The sunlight passed through the windows and onto Jungkook's face. He frowned and opened his eyes, rapidly blinking due to the bright light. As he came to his senses, he heard a deep voice chuckle near his ear, only then did he feel a warmth behind him, cuddling him close, a hand around his waist and resting on his stomach, a leg between his own.

"Good Morning." Taehyung greeted and place a kiss on his ear. Jungkook smiled and wished back.

"Good morning."

Then there was silence.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook asked, seeing his husband deep in thought.

"About last night." Taehyung replied.

Jungkook blushed and smiled.

"Did you like it?" Jungkook asked shyly. Taehyung's grip on him tightened.

"I loved it baby." Taehyung whispered as his leg moved and parted Jungkook's legs even more.

"I love it when you moan my name when I do this." Taehyung sneaked his hand between Jungkook's legs and encircled the rim before inserting a finger inside him. Jungkook moaned lowly.

"Oh... Taehyung..."

"Yes baby just like that." Taehyung increased the speed of his finger, Jungkook shivered.

"Hyung..I-hnn- I'm tired-"

Taehyung stopped and pulled his finger out, licking it clean. Then he turned Jungkook's face so he could look at him before attaching their lips in a sweet morning kiss. Jungkook tried to turn his body so he could properly face Taehyung, but broke the kiss and winced.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asked worriedly.

"My back, I think you broke it."

"I don't know if I should take it as a compliment or feel guilty."

Jungkook giggled.

"Take it as a compliment." He said before trying to get up, but a hand on his chest stopped him. He looked at Taehyung with a confused expression.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Um- to the bathroom, to clean up."

Taehyung stood up and stretched, still naked. Jungkook averted his gaze. Taehyung leaned towards him and grabbed his jaw so Jungkook would face him.

"Don't avert your eyes like that when you see me like this. Look at me, have dirty thoughts, I don't care, it's yours. Everything you see here is yours. I'm yours."

"Of course its mine. You think I'll let anyone have a look at you like this? I'll rip their eyes out. You're mine." Jungkook said, possessively. Taehyung smiled.

"I'm glad the feeling is mutual."

Taehyung picked Jungkook up in bridal style and carried him to the bathroom. Placing him on the sink, causing Jungkook to flinch.

"Did I go hard on you?" Taehyung asked, as turned the tap on to fill the tub.

"I don't know, I think it hurts this much because it was my first."

Taehyung walked towards Jungkook and pulled him closer to his chest, standing between his legs. He kissed his shoulder in apology.

Jungkook snaked his hands around Taehyung's back as he kissed his chest, he wrapped his legs around his middle. He moved his face towards the side of his neck and sucked a mark there. Taehyung just let him do whatever he wants. Jungkook moved back to take a look at his creation.

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