Chapter 37

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"Good Morning." Taehyung whispered to a now awake Jungkook, who couldn't resist the smile on his face.

"Good Morning." He greeted back, looking at Taehyung, who was hovering over him.

"You should wake up now, I'm leaving for work." Taehyung smiled and got up from the bed and went in front of the mirror.

It's been 2 months since the whole fiasco ended and they were happier than ever. They still got media attention wherever they went but it wasn't as bothering after news broke out that Jungkook had donated lots of money to orphanges in Korea and someone had secretly taken pictures when he bought ice cream for kids and posted them online, so most of it was positive. Taehyung faced a lot of hate due to rumours but Jungkook always comforted him and made sure his husband was okay and asked him to just ignore the rude reporters. Although he had no idea how rude reporters suddenly stopped approaching him. He told Jungkook about the sudden change of events and Jungkook had said something like 'maybe they died?' and proceeded to go for a bath.

Taehyung was still cold as ice around people but with Jungkook? He was a total different person. He was himself. They were once again taking things slow. Taehyung didn't dare touch Jungkook in an intimate way no matter how much his heart and mind screamed at him. And Jungkook wanted nothing more than for Taehyung to initiate it because he was shy and he didn't know if Taehyung was still ready for extreme touches. Hell they didn't even make out anymore. Even a small peck would be enough for Taehyung to go mad because Jungkook was just so soft.

They were married for almost a year now yet they acted like they were newly married with how both of them hesitated but looked at each other so lovingly.

Which is why right now when Taehyung looked at him through the mirror, Jungkook yawned cutely and stretched, which caused his shirt to shift, exposing his beautiful waist and smooth skin, while letting out a low hum, Taehyung's mind went berserk. He quickly looked away and put on his coat.

Jungkook stood up and went to Taehyung, standing behind him for a moment before wrapping his arms around him in a back hug. Taehyung froze as Jungkook nuzzled his face in his back.

"When will you be back?" Jungkook asked, softly.

"I don't know. I might be late today because I have to meet a very important client but not at the company. We'll be going to a hotel and talk over dinner. So I won't be home for dinner. Please have your dinner on time."

"Hmm." Jungkook hummed before letting go of Taehyung who turned to face him. Jungkook just looked so tiny with his bed hair and swollen-from-sleep face that Taehyung could not stop the twitch of his lips. He kissed Jungkook's forehead while caressing his face.

"Have breakfast, yeah? It's ready. I made it." Taehyung said and Jungkook's face lightened up.

"You made breakfast?"


Jungkook sighed in content at the thought of tasty food. Taehyung only knew a few dishes because he had started learning to cook just a month ago but whatever he made was divine to Jungkook's tastebuds.

Taehyung still couldn't believe it when Jungkook got happy over him making breakfast. Because for him it wasn't a big deal but for Jungkook? The younger acted like the gates of heaven opened for him. Taehyung loved the way Jungkook liked the small gestures. He loved how simple and sweet his koo was. So whenever he could, he would surprise his husband with breakfast made by him and Jungkook's expressions never failed to make him happy.

"So, I'll take my leave now." Taehyung announced and Jungkook nodded, but walked closer to Taehyung, standing on his tip-toes and kissing him. Yes. Kissing him not pecking him.

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