Chapter 14

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Jungkook opened the door to their room roughly and strode in, going straight to the bed and sitting in a corner. He was trying to be calm but he just couldn't do it. The images of that bitch all over his husband were flashing through his mind and it made him jealous and possessive. Its a good thing that they weren't in the party hall or he would've caused a scene.

Taehyung entered their room, looking at his husband who was sitting on the bed with his back facing him.

This was the first time in five months that they had shared a room. Both of them had their own rooms in their mansion. It was only yesterday night that he realised it was nice to sleep with his husband in the same bed. He had woken up to a fresh morning and his husband laying his head on his chest. He absolutely did not mind that.

He started walking towards Jungkook, wanting to see for himself if he's alright but stopped when his husband stood up. Jungkook walked straight towards him, grabbed his hand and made him sit on the bed. He walked in the bathroom and came back with a first-aid kit.

He gently applied medicine on Taehyung's hand, it was then Taehyung noticed that there was a scratch on his hand. He thought back to when it would have appeared then remembered the girl had grabbed his arm a little too hard with her filthy hands.

"Does it hurt?" Jungkook asked.



There was silence again.

"Is this how you felt?"


"Is this how you felt when you saw bruises on my wrist? Anger, possessiveness, jealousy, the urge to mark me? Somehow, anyhow?"

Taehyung was speechless for a moment. That's exactly how he had felt. Now listening to Jungkook saying all of this he couldn't really understand what the younger wanted to exactly say.

"Yes." Taehyung answered.

Jungkook looked up from where was kneeling near the bed. He looked straight in his eyes and said,

"Good. Because that's how I feel right now. I hope you don't mind walking out of this room with visible hickeys."

Taehyung smiled slightly at the jealousy and pulled him up, making him stand.

"There is nothing I would mind as long as it's you who's doing the task."
Taehyung said and pulled him making him sit on his lap.

Jungkook hid his face in his neck, inhaling his scent. He smells so good.
He removed his face from there and attached his lips to his husband, who responded just as quickly.

They had realised that kissing was the best way to calm each other down. The familiar lips and tastes brought them comfort and calmness.

Jungkook trailed his mouth to Taehyung's jaw and started nipping on it. It was the first time he was doing this, he just followed what his husband had did to him that fateful day. He kissed his Adam's apple and lightly sucked on it. Taehyung gladly bared his neck to the possessive bunny, letting him mark wherever he wants.

Soon Jungkook licked the junction between Taehyung's neck and shoulder. Licking it until it was wet enough and then sucked and bit on it greedily. His husband was so delicious he couldn't stop. He repeated the same process over and over until most of Taehyung's neck was covered in hickeys. Jungkook was satisfied. He pulled back and licked his lips.

"There. All done." He pecked Taehyung one more time.

"Satisfied?" Taehyung asked, adjusting his husband a bit so he was sitting comfortably in his lap. Jungkook nodded.

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