Chapter 35

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The morning was dreadful. Jungkook wanted to see his husband so badly, but at the same time he was hesitant. What if his husband was ready to leave him after all of this? What if he said he didn't want to be with a person like Jungkook who didn't trust him when he needed it the most? What if-

"Kookie, come on." Yoongi called him.

Jungkook looked at Yoongi and nodded, then he remembered something and put his hand in his pocket before retrieving a pendrive and handing it to Yoongi.

"When you meet Taehyung, give it to him. It's the camera footage from the club. All the evidence against Park Bogum." Jungkook explained to Yoongi.

Yoongi nodded and looked at Jungkook, taking his face in his hands making him look at him in the eyes. He gently kissed his forehead.

"Everything will be alright." Yoongi said. Jungkook nodded. Yoongi turned around to open the doors of the police station and walked out, Jungkook followed him.

As soon as he stepped out, reporters swarmed around him, asking various questions and clicking pictures of him.

"Mr. Kim, is it true that you tried to murder a man?"

"Is it because of your anger towards your husband?"

"How do you feel about your husband cheating on you?"

"Were you aware about his affair?"

"Are you going to divorce him?"

At that moment, Jungkook wanted to disappear. The questions were hurting his head. He was glad to see his car waiting for him. He quickly sat in with Yoongi and they drove away to the court.

The scene at court wasn't that different. Reporters swarming them as they tried to pass through. Asking him the same questions. Jungkook increased his pace, wanting to get away from there. The doors shut behind him as he entered the court room, the hustle of reporters was still heard from behind the shut doors.

When he entered he saw a few people sitting there, including Jimin, Jin and Namjoon. Hobi was there too. He was surprised to see Jisung and Minho there. He nodded at them. He could also see two reporters inside, ready to capture the scene. Jisung and Hobi smiled at him encouragingly. He returned the smile. He could really use some of their positivity right now.

The thoughts of positivity evaporated when he saw the next person in the court room, who was smirking at him.

Park Bogum.

Jungkook glared daggers at him. If looks could kill, Bogum would be on the floor right now, bleeding to his death. His attention was taken away when the door to court room opened once again, this time the reporters were too stunned to ask any questions.

Kim Taehyung entered the courtroom, wearing his lawyer robes, a white dress shirt underneath with black trousers. He didn't fail to captivate Jungkook.

Taehyung admitted he felt much better when he saw his husband. He was glad he was okay. And he was going to make sure he'll be okay here after. If only, Jungkook allowed him to take care of him that is.

Jungkook and Taehyung were in a trance, looking at each other and taking in the sight of each other. Jungkook wanted to hug Taehyung so badly but he held the urge. He didn't know if his husband would like it. He held his breath as Taehyung took a step towards him. His hand lifting to caress Jungkook's cheek. Taehyung felt relieved when Jungkook didn't slap his hand away like he had last night. He took in the feeling of being able to touch him again.

Jungkook thought he still had a chance with his husband, to prove himself as a worthy partner. Jungkook too, was lost in the feeling of his husband's touch. Taehyung's gaze fell behind Jungkook and his eyes filled with hatred and betrayal. Jungkook didn't need to turn around to tell who Taehyung was glaring at.

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