Chapter 21

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After getting an earful from Jin and an almost murder if Jimin hadn't stopped them, Taehyung got ready to go and find Jungkook. He had left the house after his encounter with Taehyung, nobody knew where he went but he had bodyguards with him. As Taehyung was ready, he picked up his phone, only for it ring.


"What is it?"

"Master Kim..."

Taehyung's heart dropped.

"What happened to him? Where are you right now. Tell me."

"Boss, Master Kim is Fine, he is drunk and not allowing us to stand in the bar, he asked us to get out or.."

"Or what?"

"Or he said he will complain to his husband."

"Is he that wasted?" Taehyung asked himself.

"Yes boss."

Taehyung ended the call and drive to the bar. He saw his bodyguards standing outside.

"Where is he?"

"Inside, near the counter, we just made sure he was alone and no suspicious people were present."

Taehyung nodded and asked them to stand outside.

The bar was crowded. Smell of sweat and beer lingered in the air, people pressed up against each other, some dancing, some sitting, some making out in the corner.

His eyes roamed, only to stop at two figures that surrounded a lone one.
His blood boiled. He walked in that direction.

"Come on darling, just one night." A man said as his hands settled on Jungkook's thighs.

"I said fuck off, I'm not for sale." Jungkook said as he slapped his hands off.

"So feisty. Just come with us, we'll pay you good." Another one said while shifting close to Jungkook.

Jungkook pushed him away in disgust.

"I'm married you fucking asshole."

"Oh please we hear that excuse all the time, shut up."

The man leaned in to kiss Jungkook only to be pulled backwards and fall out of the chair.

"Get your pathetic ass out of here." Taehyung said in a cold voice.

The man stood up, swaying, the other one did too.

"What's your problem?"

"The problem is, the one you're inviting to your bed, is my husband."

The men looked taken aback. But spoke out,

"So what? Do you know who we are?"

Taehyung smirked.

"No I don't. But you must know who I am."

The man looked confused.

"Why should we know who you are?"

Taehyung's face changed to expressionless.

"Never heard of Bangtan Sonyeondan?"

The man's face paled.

"In fact, do you know Kim Taehyung?"

The men nodded shakily.

"Yes. That's me."

The men started trembling in their place and stuttering out an apology.

"We are s-sorry s-ir, we- we -just."

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