Chapter 29

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The car ride home was silent.

Jungkook knew he was in trouble.

Taehyung's hands had turned white because he was holding the steering wheel in a tight grip. Jungkook gulped.

"H-hyung.. you're not gonna break the steering wheel are you? I want to go back hom alive." He giggled nervously at the end.

Taehyung hit the breaks suddenly and looked at Jungkook with his cold expression. For the first time, he had directed such cold expression towards Jungkook.

"You think it's time for kidding?" He asked, his voice hard.


"You what Jungkook?"

"I'm sorry." Jungkook whispered twiddling with his fingers. Taehyung scoffed.

"Really? You're sorry? What are you sorry for?"

"For.. escaping..and.. putting you and our family in danger?" Jungkook said, more like questioned if he reasoned it right. Taehyung exhaled. Then he removed his seatbelt and got out of the car.

Jungkook was confused, they were literally in a area where no Vehicles whatsoever travelled and it was abandoned meaning not a single soul would be present. Even the whether looked like it was about to rain. Why did Taehyung get out of the car? Nonetheless Jungkook followed him out.


No answer.

"Will you at least tell me what's wrong?"

"What's wrong ? What's wrong is that Jungkook you just blindly ran away right into the trap that our enemy set. You just escaped without informing me! Why the hell did you even do that? " Taehyung asked, frustration evident in his voice.

"Hyung, you're wrong. I didn't blindly runaway, it was planned. No, I did not fall in his trap. Like I said, he fell in ours."

Taehyung turned to face Jungkook as he continued.

"Do you remember when we were planning, you said Lee needed a bait to come out of his shell. Only then we could capture him. I was the bait."

"You decided on your own that you were the bait? Did you not find it important to tell me? "

"Would you let me be the bait if I told you?"

"Of course not."

"Exactly. I didn't want to wait for the perfect chance. I was the perfect chance."

"Jungkook, I honestly don't give a damn about the fucking perfect chance. Tell me why the hell did you do that on your own?"

"Because I wanted to help you!"

"To hell with helping me you had me worried to death. Do you know how scared I was when I got to know you escaped?"

Jungkook stayed silent.

"Do you know how I felt when I saw you, all drained of your energy because of that fucking electric chair? Do you have any idea about how I felt when I thought you were going to take up Lee's offer and be on his side?"

"Well then do you know how I felt when I saw you getting attacked? Do you think I didn't notice when you were close to tears when Jin eomma was stabbed, do you think I didn't notice the stress you went through trying to protect our family? All these questions aside. Do you know how I felt when you said you didn't care about me? That you were using me? Yes I acted strong so he could just believe me but it hurt like hell Taehyung."

Pain. It was visible in Jungkook's eyes.

"Now that he is taken care of, you can go back to being your cold hearted self and ignore me. " The sound of thunder rang in their surroundings.

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